Your favourite T.V. programmes

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Another for "Life on Mars", after that I seem to draw a blank although I'm trying to perservere with "Lewis". It helped having last night's written by Alan Plater, of whom I'm a big fan, but I was also a BIG "Morse" fan and it's so hard not to keep expecting the Jag to roll up. :?

Mel, "Judge John Deed"? Used to like that, but it's gone beyond silliness now. On the other hand Martin Shaw's always watchable... :whistle:

Cheers, Alf
Another one for Life on Mars here. Good thing with this is that they are going to bring it to a conclusion at the end of the series. I used to like Lost but have given up as I can't see any end to the thing.
Heroes looks like it could be a good one, shall look forward to seeing how it develops.
Futurama, love that show and better now, IMO than the new Simpsons.
Have I Got News For You and Room 101.
No.1 has to be '24'. I got seasons 1-4 box set as a present and have been hooked since.

No.2 is 'Lost', but as has been mentioned above not as good as it used to be.

My favourites change as and when the series ends and something replaces it, but a list of programmes I'm addicted to this year:

Mock the Week - Frankie Boyle single-handedly makes that show worth watching.
Top Gear - I love the banter between the guys, not to mention the ridiculous things they end up doing.
Prison Break - Bought the box set of eBay and have been hooked since, much more interesting than the latest series of lost.
Another one for Life on Mars, also not missed a single Desperate Housewives and finally it starts again this week, the best programme ever Grand Designs!
I always enjoy simpson's, theres little else worth bothering with except I sometimes like the odd history show eg Tony robinson did one about wat Tyler and the peasants revolt 1383, or recent ones on the Vikings when they met inuit and native american Algonquin Idnians but even those are on a superficial level. Soaps are the biggest load of s***e as are celebrity this and celebrity that. Who wants to watch a bunch of twozzer media has beens ride horses, ice skate, sing or do circus tricks :roll: ??? Why has "culture" become inexorably linked to "celebrity"? I cant really think of any original inventive or imaginative programmes. More choice=less quality I suppose I think you have to be a zomby to apreciate the ful depth of what is on offer on modern TV :lol:
I only watch TV on Sunday nights and thats for

Top gear

and inbetween the other half likes Supernatural.

With the exception of the odd game of football that all the TV i'm watching at the moment ....... there's just too many rubbish progams on at the moment
What an interesting and enjoyable thread!

I like to think I'm selective about what I watch on TV (don't we all?) so these are the programmes I made sure I set the recorder for if I'm out:

Prison Break
Lost (how did Channel 4 let Sky steal it away)?
Desperate Housewives
24 (should be top of my list)
Life On Mars (glad it won't drag on forever)
Sharpe (for Mandy - boxed set at Christmas, starting on them now)

Just starting on Heroes and The Dresden Files, jury is out as yet but I'll give it a few more goes..
One that hasn't been mentioned yet though, and if you haven't seen it it's well worth the effort -


Always interesting storylines (even if some of them almost don't work!), well acted and fantastic characters - and based on a real person!
(no connection, satisfied viewer etc!) Boxed sets have been mentioned previously, this is available too and worth taking a chance on!
Ah... there's a TV series that hasn't been screened yet so far as I know (unless the Sci-Fi or Bravo channels have had their mitts on it :) ) because it was made in the US and the TV executives hated it - Firefly. It's a 'must see' as far as I'm concerned.

It's available at a reasonable price as a DVD set and was the fore-runner of the film, Serenity.

mel":3epdvtev said:
trying to think of my other favorite programme , cant remember the name of it

judge something , an old tv detective plays the part of a judge , martin someone :-k :-k

drawing a blank here

I won't tell him when I see him, not that I'm admitting he's a client :whistle: :whistle:

Forgot about Life on mars, good one.
Gill":87062v2a said:
Ah... there's a TV series that hasn't been screened yet so far as I know (unless the Sci-Fi or Bravo channels have had their mitts on it :) ) because it was made in the US and the TV executives hated it - Firefly. It's a 'must see' as far as I'm concerned.

It's available at a reasonable price as a DVD set and was the fore-runner of the film, Serenity.


I'm sure Firefly was on at some point as I saw a couple of episodes. I did like the film as well, enjoyed it immensely.

Forgot about the Dresden Files, I have a feeling that it isn't going to deliver.
Sci-Fi screened 'Firefly' a few years ago, right up to the point it was axed. I did try watching it, but the first half dozen or so episodes were so crushingly dull that I gave up. 'Serenity' was good though :)

Currently I enjoy Top Gear and Jane and the Dragon. Sharpe is a long time favourite of mine (I'm a big fan of the books); unfortunately, since the little one came along, all my old tv favourites (Las Vegas, Supernatural, Lost, Desperate Housewives, ER, Battlestar Galactica) have fallen by the wayside. They have been replaced by The Shiny Show, Balamory and TikkaBilla. :roll:
Oh Neil, you just reminded me of one of my pet hates and it happens to be 24. I watched the first one and it drove me crazy when the screen is split into lots of small ones showing different scenes, I REALLY HATE THAT! It put me right off the series which is a pity as it looked like a good series too. I do like Keifer Sutherland and most of the things he stars in but not when they have editing like that. :evil:
nola":846goalq said:
Lost & My name is Earl

Great TV

Can I have 3, I love the Simpsons too :D

Yes, I like My Name Is Earl although it's been a while since I caught it. The wasp sting episode was the best. Another US comedy I enjoy is Two & Half Men (?) Amusing. NCIS when I catch it and Later with Jools Holland although obviously depends on the guest list.
Top Gear would be a lot better with Vikki Butler-Henderson and Tiff as well as the 3 usuals.

Dom, time to start a thread on Films?
Gill":3sxel5p4 said:
Ah... there's a TV series that hasn't been screened yet so far as I know (unless the Sci-Fi or Bravo channels have had their mitts on it :) ) because it was made in the US and the TV executives hated it - Firefly. It's a 'must see' as far as I'm concerned.

It's available at a reasonable price as a DVD set and was the fore-runner of the film, Serenity.


Absolutely! They have shown it on the SciFi channel here in the past, which encouraged my son to buy the set of DVDs as well as the Serenity DVD whn it became available.

I must admit I like SciFi - Stargate GS-1 and Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica (the new remake series), the new series' of Dr Who and Torchwood. I enjoyed Babylon 5 and its spin-offs.

Currently Top Gear is a must - good light hearted entertainment. The Gadget Show as well - I especially like Suzi! =P~

Also, I quite like ER.

I like my entertainment to be light and uplifting - not miserable or down beat.

Last, but not least, I must include NYW :norm: and This Old House.
