Year 11 Pens FINISHED!

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Established Member
16 Jan 2005
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Hi all

Finally got the pens finished for my English class who leave school in three weeks' time! Decided I should really give them to pupils in my Media Studies class here they all are: 48 pens, plus an extra one just in case I've miscounted!


The later ones are definitely better than the first few I made - it's nice to see I've made progress. Most of them are made of yew, the other woods are mahogany, jarrah, oak, teak, purpleheart and spalted beech. There are a few resin pens and even one made of fimo!

Giving them out tomorrow so my class use them for their mock exam - kind aren't I?

Now to finish the marking I should have done at the start of the holiday...
Well done - a great idea,and very well executed to boot (still think some of your home-cast resin ones are in a league of their own :D )

Well done Stewart they all look great, how will you hand them out without a fight breaking out, (Oh I wanted that one :cry: ). Best of luck you have done a great job, should get top marks from Year 11 8)
Hi Stewart,
Excellent job! Well done.
Being married to a teacher, it never ceases to amaze me the unselfish acts that members of your profession perform on a regular basis.

Hat off to you sir,

Malc :D
I don't know which I admire most, the pens or your tenacity. Are you giving them out individually or letting them fight over them? :lol:

Well done Stewart,

A great idea that needs a lot of commitment to carry out.

All are very well made with a few really outstanding gems. I guess selecting the best is very much personal preference but I think you have some very lucky students.

Best wishes, let us know how they are received.

Mike C
Thanks for the great comments!

I'm sitting in my class now watching them write answers to their mock literature exam and everyone of them is using their new pen - a nice sight.

I gave them out individually to stop fights breaking out - the appreciation from the class was fantastic...nearly tear inducing...

It was well worth the effort!

oh, well, back to my invigilating...
well done stewart,i think you did a very grand job. you will also notice their spelling and writing will improve from now on. ( thats what i tell them anyway ) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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