wooden it be nice if??


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engineer one

Established Member
25 May 2005
Reaction score
Wembley, Middx
ok so i have sharpened my hand tools, am learning again how to use them
BUT :?

Living in west london it is almost impossible to find good and interesting timber that you can check over before you buy. Croydon is miles away, and a supplier in finchley only buys to order.
SO has anyone got a way that we can mention wood yards that are helpful, and not a million miles away.
i'd rather travel out as far as oxford, than south london, so that is the radius.
i have checked another post which had some addresses but found little locally, so who can help??

am interested in mainly hardwoods in small quantities, and although i can plane and thickness it it would be nice to check first to ensure i get more project wood for my £. ](*,)
Moss in Hammersmith have good wood although they aren't the cheapest.

Moss & Co (Hammersmith) Ltd

Dimes Place, 104 King Street, Hammersmith
City: London
Address: W6 0QW
Telephone: +44 (0) 208 748 8251
Fax: +44 (0) 208 741 2470
Web Site: www.mosstimber.co.uk
Try Chaz's wood suppliers guide. Additional entries and comments on existing listings always wanted.

Living in west london it is almost impossible to find good and interesting timber that you can check over before you buy.
Hah. Living in Cornwall you can forget it completely. You don't know how lucky you are. :roll:

Cheers, Alf

P.S. Moved to General Woodworking

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