Warped solid wood door


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Established Member
22 Nov 2002
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Heiloo The Netherlands
For my tree carved cabinet project made out of european soft maple, the two doors I have made (1m20 x 40cm each) but now one has warped. (about 20mm with also a twist)
Before I embarque on making another I was wondering would i be able to steam bend it back, and if i did would it stay.
I have zero experience in steam bending but was planning a project that needs to build a steam box anyway so was wondering if this would cause me to build the kit early and made a big thin box to hold the door.

But please guide me if this if futile, or has a chance of succeeding everyone. and if it has a chance how to go about the bending bit

as ever all advice is much appreciated
You could try steaming with a wallpaper stripper.
I have had some success with the following method in the past.

Lay the door on a suitably sized bench with a bearer between the low points.

Clamp the high corners down beyond the point where the door is flat and out of twist. (The point of this is to allow a little bit of springback)

Liberally soak the door, and apply the steam (remove the steaming plate thingy and just use the steam straight out of the pipe) to both sides of the door.

Allow it to dry for a while then do it again, just for good measure.

Take it out of the clamps and ***** the door. Repeat the above as necessary.

This does not however address the reason the door warped in the first place.

All the best.
