Very basic dust extraction questions

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Established Member
13 Mar 2014
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Hi, I am looking to get a dust extractor to use with a table saw, sander, router and scroll saw. Non seem to have the same sized port and so the questions start.
If I get an extractor with a 100 pipe what kind of things will I need to fit to my various machines. It's a single poor that I put different stepper on a good idea or will it be awkward?
Should i fit some pipes to channel around my workshop and is there a good guide on setting something like this up?
And how do I know if stepper will fit my machines, non seem to say the same thing as the measurements in the instructions of my mechines.
Sorry I know these are basic but I have been trying to make do with a Henry Hoover and know this doesn't work so it's time to sort something more permanent out.
Thank you.
I use a Scheppach HA 1000 vac with my router table, bandsaw, belt and disc sander, various power hand tools and an Abranet hand sanding pad.
It came with a 100mm dia hose and an array of adapters.
I move it around the workshop and hook it up where it is needed.
I have used domestic plumbing waste pipe & fittings and old vacuum cleaner hose to further refine the adaptation to machines and hand power tools.
There are various similar vacs available.
Bill Pentz has a website about dust extraction, you should go to his (dated)website, and do some proper research before you
consider getting an inadequate system that won't do the job ...and waste your money.
This might require researching on VFD's aswell but these things should be known anyway, if you're serious about it.