Using Swing Brace and Auger

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xy mosian

Established Member
21 Feb 2009
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
I guess those with more experience than me will jump in and say my chance discovery is 'old hat' and 'well known'.

However this is new to me and may be to others.

Today I was using a swing brace and auger. The auger was hot to the touch when I withdrew it from the hole. To reduce the friction I scrubbed the screw and cutters with candle wax. Crikey what a difference, the wax took nearly a decade off my right arm.

I shouldn't have been surprised, but there it is.
The downside is that it buggers up the end of the candle.

I clean mine with fine wet and dry once in a while, it's surprising how dirty they get. Actually, I store mine in a bucket of diesel as I don't use them often and at least I know they haven't rusted to pieces since I last used them.
Thank phil,

I never think to check for a near invisible build of gunge, perhaps I should use my reading glasses more often.
You may find that beeswax is even better. It's used a lot by woodwind musical instrument makers to lubricate augers, reamers and D-bit drills for sizeable holes; e.g. 20 mm diameter, 1 m long, in a hardwood; in which surface finish is also important.