Two rather unusual planes for you....

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Established Member
18 Nov 2009
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Deanston, a stones throw from the Distillery
Greetings all,
My mum recently returned from a trip to New Zealand, where she took the following photo for me whilst on a visit to a Kauri museum.
At first sight, nothing too unusual, but take a closer look at the two planes, centre top and just below.
Does anyone have any idea what they may be for? All I could think of was some specialist wheel-making kit. The lower one looks to have a ?rebate cutter, but the rounded 'fence' suggests use on a rounded piece.
Again, the upper ones' shape suggests that it might have been used to plane a surface on a wheel rim. Or some very bad warpage on the plane body......

Any thoughts?



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Seen coopers (ie barrell makers) using similar planes to the top one, for cutting a rebate into which the base or lid of the barrell will fit. Could be used for wheel making too I guess.
Top one's a Cooper's Sun Plane and the other's a Cooper's Chiv (there are different sorts, but I wouldn't know where to start). Without checking, I reckon they're all cooper's tools in there.
Thank you all for enlightening me :) I always knew that a good beer lies at the heart of many problems!
It does rather make sense that they are coopers' tools, looking at the various hollowing blades and the two odd planes (well, odd to me at least).
For some reason, not one I can fathom, I rather have the inspiration to make one of the sun planes. No idea/plans on how/what to use it on mind you.
An odd direction for the 'slope' to take me!

The clue is that they are curved!
Obvious really, they are the special tools you need to made a round-toit. SWIMBO once offered to get me a round toit to speed my work up, but I prefer to make mine the natural slow way.
