Losos, yes a 20th century (and prior to that) diary is meant to be personal, but this is not a diary but like a diary, it's a blog! :roll:
I'm not expecting you all to jump on the bandwagon, I realise it is not to everyone's tastes or that you may not have time for them, but there might be some peeps out there who think this is useful. Of course, it depends on each blog, as they are all different and all have different qualities.
For me Tumblr is a lot easier than editing my website as I can do it from my smartphone. It literally takes seconds to upload a photo or write a comment. So if I'm in my workshop and doing something & then take a photo, I can then upload it immediately and share it with people who are interested. As Tumblr is used by people who want to follow certain blogs then I guess the stuff which is shared is of interest to them. You wouldn't follow a blog which is of no interest to you.
Look, we are all different (obviously), and all different ages and stages, so it is quite likely that many will not be interested in this at all. But I'm just trying to promote this to people who might be interested...