Thinking of upgrading my table saw, is this an OK plan?

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Established Member
14 Nov 2008
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I've been using a crappy £50 B&Q table saw forever, with a homemade fence that's marginally better then the original. It's noisy as hell, and the blade wobbles at times. But as long as I cut everything twice I can get a good result. It just about does 600mm but it's precarious! and I'm going to be cutting a lot of 600mm soon.

Plus I've been watching a few videos lately and decided I need to upgrade my table.

I'm thinking maybe a Axminster TS200, with the sliding table. Build my own right hand extension with router mount. Add one of the upgraded axminster fences. Then build a crosscut slide that I should have done already.

How does that sound?

It doesn't need to be portable.
That would work. Check this, but you may need to buy the extensions to get the fence supporting extrusion. This will make the whole job easier anyway.

Some of the Kity stuff may be worth a look if you wanted to go secondhand. the 618 particularly.