The NEW ALFIE Workshop!

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Established Member
12 Mar 2009
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Kent - the Garden of England
Hello...I'm ALFIE...and today we will do woodworkering with my Dad....


We're going to show you how to see through shavings....

Remember always read the safety instructions that come with your bones...and there is no more important safety equipment than ear protectors.... :mrgreen:

Right...over to my apprentice assistant....


...YUM...shavings...wood....shavings! OI!!! You there...over in the back attention...


Yup...not bad for a beginner....


That's all for today folks...but next week we will be doing sticks...their uses...and how to hide them from Mum behind the sofa....

ALFIE - A Workshop Dog Production.
Now that we've all admired Alfie, I think we should take a look at the other item of interest in these pictures!

Come on Jim, let's have the closeups of this little plane, with its Japanese iron and lignum vitae sides! - You have taken a few, haven't you? (And hands up all those who only saw the dog!)
If there is no God for thee
Then there is no God for me.

Anna Hempstead Branch

AH! Right...yes the this is why the public is not allowed in the that secret designs can't be analysed.

Alfie will be along later (he's sleeping in the sun at the moment) explain...maybe...possibly.

Or he could just play "tug the broken Bernie".... :mrgreen:

You never can tell with these intellectuals! 8)

i thought you were interested in old planes not modern australian ones even if they do have the biggest ones in the world
all the best
Ok Andy...brilliant observation...I was hoping to keep it quiet in case it didn't work...but the "Japanese" plane is explained HERE

He's about 9 months now Chris...roughly...

He was thrown out of a car apparently...and he was terrified of going in ours at first...

Found walking the streets of Gravesend at 3 months old then stuck in a huge cage for 2 weeks outside in the freezing cold....when we took him on.

I tell you now...if I ever catch the baskets that did this I would remove them of their jewels...through their nostrils!

Still...he seems to have settled in now!

We took in a LabXRotty some years ago, he could hardly walk due to frost bitten feet and was skin and bone due to a tape worm. I never met the previous owner, fortunately.

Richard T":32336qq7 said:
I've said it before Jim, but I love what you've done with Alfie's finish; looks like a posh Walnut veneer.


as a rule we will always re-home animals, rather than acquiring them from pet shops. years ago we had a rabbit from last chance rescue centre in Edonbridage, we named her magic she had been thrown from a moving car on to a verge, breaking her front paw. by the time she was found and taken in the leg was irretrievable and for the rest of her life its was folded stiff under her body.


i have never known a sweeter smarter rabbit. she kept the (rather mad) collie cross lab in order and the cat. she was a house rabbit who used a litter tray and the speed she got around on her 3 legs was very impressive.

i never forget one time my old man was eating his brekkie on the sofa and the rabbit ran in, jumped on the sofa grabbed a slice of banana out of his bowl and legged it.


i think back over the animals we have tried to give a better life to and each and every one has been such a character and brought so much joy to our lives and home.

then the little buggers snuff it and break our hearts! :cry:

Digit":dyechmpb said:
then the little buggers snuff it and break our hearts! :cry:

Yeah! Then we do it again don't we.


yep :wink:

my mum loves her bunnies, over the last few years they have been increasing in size since discovering British giants she has had 2. the current one was a gumtree re-home, i personally think he is a little bar steward as all he dose is bite and scratch me. but she adores him

jimi43":3aq37l7z said:
He's about 9 months now Chris...roughly...
He was thrown out of a car apparently...and he was terrified of going in ours at first...
Found walking the streets of Gravesend at 3 months old then stuck in a huge cage for 2 weeks outside in the freezing cold....when we took him on.
I tell you now...if I ever catch the baskets that did this I would remove them of their jewels...through their nostrils!
Still...he seems to have settled in now!

Jim, may I just say what a wonderful thing you have done with Alfie, like you, there's nothing makes me more angry than the cruelty that some humans hand out to our cannine friends, and isn't it amazing that despite all he's been through he is still able to integrate into your pack. I'm sure he will be a great companion and I can see he's already getting pretty good at woodwork.

Please, PLEASE post some more pictures of him both in the workshop and anywhere else he goes.
Losos":3o65hj2q said:
Jim, may I just say what a wonderful thing you have done with Alfie, like you, there's nothing makes me more angry than the cruelty that some humans hand out to our cannine friends, and isn't it amazing that despite all he's been through he is still able to integrate into your pack. I'm sure he will be a great companion and I can see he's already getting pretty good at woodwork.

Please, PLEASE post some more pictures of him both in the workshop and anywhere else he goes.

I would like to mention our mate Roy (DIGIT) who posted above. His compassion with our furry friends virtually guarantees his place in paradise. RIP Roy... promised some more ALFIE ANTICS.....

Today being so very hot...I needed to get my Dad to take me to a water park but a puppy is not tall enough to get in so he built me one out of an old pond liner...with my help of course....


This is me giving my Mum a "bugga off" look as she passed muttering naughty words about us being "mad as hatters"...silly woman!


Since we have a hosepipe ban in Dad had to fill it with buckets...what a lovely Dad I have...but it did take a long time mostly because I drank half of it.....


I got bored waiting and it was too cold to go swimming after taking precautions against the sun, I took a little nap....


It's ok though because Dad used my waterpark to soak his new waterstone...but it did make it all cloudy so tomorrow we have to start again! :mrgreen:

Bye for now!

Jimi - Thanks for posting those pics of Alfie, lifted my heart after reading about Roy, I can't grasp the fact that only last Thursday he posted above, he will be at the Bridge now with his beloved companions.