Starting a vacume automatically when tools are used

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Established Member
24 Mar 2014
Reaction score
Lee on the Solent
I am keen to have my Karcher vac start when I power up any of my tools.

My thinking was that I could have all of my bench tools plugged into an extension lead that was then plugged into a "box" that would switch on the Vac whenever it detected current draw.

I'm sure this must be possible as things like the Festool dust extractors come on when the tools are powered. I am hopeful that I can have dust extrators going from each tool to a central area whereby I can just plug the extractor hose into a hose from the vac and then when the tool is use the Vac will come on. I will probably use a cyclone between the vac and the tools.

I'm not sure that my Karcher will be up to the job with things like my Domino and table saw, but it's a starting point, I can look to upgrade the extraction if I need to.

The main thing I need is something to detect the power usage and switch on the vac.
Or get a remote control socket and switch in on with the remote, its a lot cheaper.

Its what I do with my chip extractor my vac has a socket on but my router is two powerful to use it with it so back the the remote socket.

Well the axminster thing is the sort of thing I have in mind, but definitely not the sort of price I have in mind.

i could do a remote - I've got remotes all over the house (and workshop) for my lighting so another wouldn't be a major pain, but it would be nice to have it come on automatically. I've been doing a bit of digging and was wondering about some of the power saving strips that detect when the TV is off. i know a lot of these use the Infrared from the TV, so that's no good (back to the remote idea) but I think some use the power to determine what else to turn off.
OK, that is looking interesting, so can I have all of my tools plugged into an extension socket(s) which are then plugged into the master socket and then have the Vac plugged into the slave. I'm never going to be using loads of tools at the same time, )I am hopeful I can operate one at a time safely, more than that would seems somewhat foolish!) so i assume the power draw is fine?

I am looking to plug in:

Table Saw (Axi TS200)
Bandsaw (Axi 350W)
Festool Domino 500
Pillar Drill
Bench mounted belt sander
Random Oribital Sander (probably not plugged in unless being used)
Sliding Mitre Saw (1600W I think)

I know that is quite a lot, but only one tool at a time should be ok, shouldn't it?

Thanks for the useful replies so far.
It's not the power rating of the items plugged into the master socket that matter it is the power draw from the slave sockets that power the extractor you need to watch. Your Karcher will be fine but if you upgrade to something more powerful you may run into problems.
I was more thinking that people would be saying that so many tools hanging off of one socket would be drawing a lot of current. Ok well that has been most helpful. So I know what I need on the power front. I then need to think about the hose work, but I've got to build the workbench where the bench mounted tools are going to go and the table saw will go underneath, so I'll build that and think about what goes where before I worry about the hoses.

Thanks again