Some of my recent(ish) work

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A few folk have asked to see some of my work, so brace yourselves, here you are, a few snaps I had in stock. Most of what I do is riven ash or oak legs and spindles and recycled joists to do seats, favourite tools definately sharp axe and scrapers. I have some recycled ikea wood worktops that should be fun to see what I come up with

First is a little stool I made for my boy. It was entirely made from little off cuts and bits and pieces from other jobs. It has a welsh/chinease sort of influence to it. I experimented with a green finish but didnt like it, I might ry something else

Next one is my version of the welsh chair that alf was keen to see, not 100% happy with the form, on the next one I do with a 3 part arm the spindles will not flare out so much (might even flare "in" instead).

Next up is my interpretation of a traditional irish gibson chair, they are extreamley hard to do convincingly the form is deceptively simple, but I will persevere, they have great character.

Finally a work in progress of a childs irish influenced fire side chair, again made of various recycled bits, joists etc. This one is since finished, I trett it with dark wax, didnt like it, will experiment and when happy will post again

Hope they are of interest, I welcome any comment or sudgestions for imrovemnts. Cheers Jonathan :D
PS I like the screen print quality of the pics (processed on photoshop elements) it reminds me of old railway posters :roll:
Nice work,Mr.S :D
Particularly like the way all the wedged tenons on the chair legs in the last picture all line up.
Although I have a small fetish for power tools,I have always had a soft spot for traditional joinery tools and methods,and "rustic" items.
Please post some more pictures when you can.

P.S. - really enjoyed your "pegged mortise and tenon" how-to - excellent information

Nice chairs, Mr. S!

I have never made a chair I was particularly impressed with. I feel like the character in the Mel Gibson movie where he has a bunch of failed chairs thrown in the barn.

Unlike him--and you, I haven't kept trying. But I have a couple on the short list. I'll have to be sure to ask for some advice when the time comes!

Take care, Mike
Thanks for your comments gentlemen it means a lot especially from a welshman having done one of your traditional designs :D

Mike, are you willing to show a pic of one or two of your "short listed chairs"?? :wink:
Cheers Jonathan :D
Nice chairs. Thanks for sharing
Are you having problems with the images? They seem almost like a colour negative here. Is it a resolution thing?
