Solar Power for the Workshop??

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Jake it does'nt matter to me if it's African or martians, I was merely drawing a comparison, and as for your use of the KKK, now that's what I would call inflamatory and more likely to stoke racism than anything else,
THAT is stupid, we are all Adults on this forum, and should act accordingly,
I don't now you from Adam, but I bear no malice towards you, and I'd like to think your old enough and wise enough to reciprocate.
Do martians walk slowly then Rich? I can well believe those bloody greenies are stupid. :lol: :lol:
Sond like a very intereesting and fun to do trip Jenx.

It seems that the greeny pack is ignoring such figures of dropping global warmth. Or would they come up with "see what a good impact phasing out incandescent bulbs had"
The Greenies are only one branch of those wishing to lead us all to the 'New Jerusalem'.
They are a self perpetuating breed who merrily dance their way from one 'good cause' to another.
Good cause as seen through their eyes of course.
'It's all for your own good brother', the trouble is they fail to undestand that people prefer what they enjoy to what is supposed to be good for them.
If you won't give up smoking, we'll stop you, for your own good.
If you won't stop polluting the air, we'll stop you, for your own good.
Eat your five a day, it's good for you.
Immigration is good for you, ignoring the fact that this country can only support 17.5 million without imports and every extra housing estate reduces that number further.
When they wake up it will be to a nightmare.
Need I go on?
Funny how the CC sceptics are so unsceptical about data which appears to support their 'scepticism'.

It could just be a blip in the trend - the trend is a long-term thing, that report is of a short-term event - so far.

We'll have to wait and see - far too premature to start pointing and laughing.
It could indeed be a blip Jake. As for not being skeptical I would point out that Watts is the guy who made Al Bore look silly and has to date never been wrong, whereas the list of dooms predicted by the doom mongers have with out exception been wrong! As I agreed Jake, it could be a blip, but in terms of the drop compared with the earlier rise is it is a considerable drop.
A drop that not one climatologist nor climate model predicted.
If you were a gamnbling man Jake would you use a computer programme to pick the winners if the programme was shown to have failed as often as the climate models have?
I will believe the models when they start getting things right.
Till then I'll stick to the seaweed!

I'll stick with the overwhelming majority of peer-reviewed science, until the concensus changes. I'm not boffin enough to argue with them, nor arrogant enough to think I could, and the nature of science being what it is, the flaws will be exposed pretty quickly, if such they are.
What consencus Jake?
You mention peer review, a means of ensuring crackpot ideas aren't published or a method of censorship?
It would seem that you are unaware that those who review for the major organs are all CC supporters and and that Nature, for example, has been accused of refusing to publish anything that argues against CC being man made.
For the UN to make the 1000 scientists supposedly supporting them the list of names was found to include the organiser of the food suppliers and an Italian 'enviromental attorney' what ever that might be?
So consensus, show me someone who disputes the temperature drop and explain why no one predicted it with all the computing power and the billions spent on the subject.
There was consensus on the so called 'hockey stick' simply because the greenies wanted to believe it and no one checked the maths.
Are you aware that the planet began warming during the 19C?
Are you aware that the planet is still cooler than it was during late Roman times?
Have you heard of the of the Middle Age Warm period when grapes were grown further north than to today?
Did you know that the Vikings knew that Greenland was an island, whereas currently from the surface you cannot tell that as the landmass blends into the polar ice cap?
Why does modelling based on CO2 rise not show significant polar warming?
I'll stick to the sea weed.

Modern history (the history that includes mankind with the ability to document) indicates that what is 'hot' is often fallacious. CC is hot and therefore a good candidate for being incorrect.

A lot around CC, especially what we should do and do not is financial beneficial to legislators, the lobbies, scientific institutes and large corporations. Again making CC lean towards being a hoax or being exaggerated.

The scientific reports contradict each other, do not apply to the whole, predictions are not met etc. Again making CC lean towards being a hoax or being exaggerated.

So that makes me sceptical about if we are responsible for what is going on with the climate. Also I do not find it very alarming if things change because of the climate. Things have always changed and will always change.

I also believe that what we're currently doing on the planet is wrong. We're exploitive, suppressive, abusive, etc towards people, animal and resources for financial benefit and pleasure. A lot if not most people are sexist, religionous and racial barbaric and emotional, socially and intellectual poor.
I also believe that what we're currently doing on the planet is wrong.

Total agreement here, and without any need to mention GW.
Anybody of my age knows full well that the weather today is warmer than when we were kids. It is also an established fact, that any gardener will support, that Spring is earlier than it used to be.
None of this has the slightest thing to do with CO2!
As Spring arrives earlier, without Winter occurring earlier, then the warm periods get longer, this heats the planet.
The early coming of Spring is entirely due to the precession of the equinoxes.
When the poles tilt toward the sun the poles warm, the ice shrinks and a greater surface area of the planet is exposed to the Sun's rays, and the planet warms.
The maximum tilt last occurred, surprise surprise, about the end of the last Ice Age.
As the Earth continues to become more vertical so the reverse will occur and the warm season will shorten. One day mid winter will be in June!

Local shop has a new style barometer on show.
A piece of string and a set of instructions.
I fthe string is hanging limp the weather is calm
If the string is moving, it's windy!
If the string is horizontal, it's very windy.
If the string is damp, it's raining.
If the string is dry, it's not raining.
If the strings cast a shadow, the Sun's shining.
If there is no shadow, the Sun isn't shining.
If you can't see the string, it's dark!

Just in case the original poster is still reading this thread :shock: , it might be worth considering what sort of 12V battery could deliver over 100A for 2 hours without buckling its plates and dying on the spot. It might work if you run universal motors on 115V or 240V dc instead of AC.

Serious enquirers will find some info at the Centre for Alternative Technology (they have a website) My son rigged up some solar heating based on their ideas for his home in Portugal, where it works a treat 90% of the time. I have grave doubts you'd see any return for your trouble in the UK without a huge investment in high tec collectors. If we're really going to need it, wait a bit longer till universal demand brings down the mfg cost!
Within the cheap range that will be Lithium-ion polymer bateries and about next year the ceramic batery type.

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