Small moulding plane

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Mike Wingate

Established Member
18 Oct 2009
Reaction score
I have just made this out of purpleheart. The blade has been ground concave. I shall use it to make tone bars for acoustic instruments. A smaller radius plane is also being made.
Ideal for the tone bars Mike and lovely shape!!

I'm not a great fan of purpleheart but that's just a personal thing...the design is ideal for comfortable shaping to tune up the various bars...

I assume this is on a guitar set?

Is that a No.50 iron you have salvaged there?

I have always felt that commercial planes for luthierie are way to expensive for what they are...making planes just for the job is so easy as you have proved....especially if you are skilled enough to make a musical instrument in the first place.


Nice one! I should think that would be very satisfying to use.
It also gives me an excuse to plug the "Work Reprint Project" which I have mentioned before but some time ago. "Work" was a weekly paper, published in the 1880s, which covered woodwork alongside many other practical topics. It's now being scanned and published free on-line, week by week. Issue no 30 includes directions for making some planes, including an example of one described as a "Rough Plane for Temporary Use" that you can knock up in an hour. (I'm not calling yours rough, Mike!) It confirms how satisfying it is to use a tool that you have made for yourself.


Have a read of it, download previous issues and catch the future ones here:,+1889

(If anyone thinks a little plane is too easy, issue no 29 included part one of a series on making your own piano!)
Sorry, but no wip shots. Glued up and bandsawn to shape, profile sanded and blade ground, wedge made and brass pin inserted. The edges need rounding and the body polishing. Will post photos of completed plane though.
That's nice! You've got a nasty nick in that iron though. :wink:
The wedge adjustment on the smaller plane is a bit of a fiddle. So I have replaced it with a brass wedge and adjuster. So much better, nice long full length shavings.
