shooting engrain of slats with rounded edges

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Established Member
17 Oct 2006
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Haarlem, The Netherlands
I am in the process of making a number of bench 'gratings' for the boat consisting of 2 1/2" x 1" slats. The slats have rounded over edges on the long sides and square ends, so they have a constant cross section.
I first made them to length and used a shooting board to clean up the end grain of the extremities, than used a router to round the edges, with dummy blocks to support the router at the ends

However, somehow some slats ended upt just a hair to long. How can I shoot the end grain on a shooting board without getting tear-out at the corners where the fibers are not supported by the stop on the shootingboard?

You need to make a back-up piece with a mirror-image profile. Fit the slat into this and then shoot away.
Hope this helps
Philly :D
Will the edges end up being chamfered ? If so can you not pare the edges away prior to shooting so that when you put them on the board the plane doesn't actually contact the unsupported section which has been moved out of harms way so to speak.
Cheers Mike
Thank you for responding,
No, the edges are not supposed to become chamfered unfortunately.
I thought about making a matching/mirror image backblock, but was hoping of some magical other way...

With care you can shoot to about the half way point then turn the slat through 180 and shoot to the centre again.