Shellac mixing?

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Established Member
17 Dec 2012
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Had a search but couldn't find anything that answered my query.

I am going to be using shellac for the first time. After purchasing 125gms of orange flakes, it came with instructions. It says for a good workable solution to use 25gms of flakes to 200ml of meths.
After a lot of googling and trying to convert things. As all the measurements are in american lol

Does anyone have any links or know of a site that deals with mixing shellac in grammes? Or do you know roughly what my 'cut' mix is?

TIA :)
how much are you making? I gave up trying to measure small amounts. I used some plastic bottles (250ml I think) and just had a go till it seemed right. Too thin at first, tried it then added some more and let it disolve. Lets you get the hang of it and how it behaves as it gets stronger.

I just mixed the above amounts for now. Wanted a bit just as a test on some scraps before applying a finish to my new plane handle/knob :)
It's a 1Lb cut. Fine for French polishing. Might be a touch heavy for brushing.
Thank's for the help guys.

Gary i got mine from ebay aswell - resinsupplies

Well that 1lb cut has now had half of it diluted to roughly a 1/2lb cut. After trying out both the 1lb and 1/2lb cuts on the curly maple.
The latter is the winner and i am getting the look i want :)