Yeah, that got your attention didn't it, you dirty thing.
So, missus thinks she would like something like this, well, actually, nothing like this but a similar rig in that the whole bottle should slip through. First stock image I came across. There will be lots of holes, there's a lot of bottles at chez Wuffles. Some of them are full too.
Without resorting to a hole saw, some digging and re-hole sawing using a pilot hole (allowing the middle of the hole to resemble something like the channel tunnel join if it were run by British Leyland), I can't quite for the life of me figure out how to do it.
It's bound to be simple.
Ideas please chaps.
So, missus thinks she would like something like this, well, actually, nothing like this but a similar rig in that the whole bottle should slip through. First stock image I came across. There will be lots of holes, there's a lot of bottles at chez Wuffles. Some of them are full too.

Without resorting to a hole saw, some digging and re-hole sawing using a pilot hole (allowing the middle of the hole to resemble something like the channel tunnel join if it were run by British Leyland), I can't quite for the life of me figure out how to do it.
It's bound to be simple.
Ideas please chaps.