Seed Catalogues

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niall Y

Established Member
1 Nov 2018
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If, like me, you are into your gardening in any way, you will no doubt be being swamped with seed and plant catalogues. Just as I thin out my seedlings , I have to do the same with these catalogues. at, at least four distinct times of the year. Otherwise they start bursting out of the kitchen table, drawer I have reserved for them. in the conservatory.

I would have to say that those most guilty of this never ending flow, are Sarah Raven, and Parkers, closely followed by Suttons and Marshalls, Some of them, will not only issue, the expected, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter editions, but add to it with additional versions of their seasonal offerings,

Having just completed one of these seasonal, thinning outs, the recycling bag is now considerably heavier than it usually is.
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If, like me, you are into your gardening in any way, you will no doubt be being swamped with seed and plant catalogues. Just as I thin out my seedlings , I have to do the same with these catalogues. at, at least four distinct times of the year. Otherwise they start bursting out of the kitchen table, drawer I have reserved for them. in the conservatory.

I would have to say that those most guilty of this never ending flow, are Sarah Raven, and Parkers, closely followed by Suttons and Marshalls, Some of them, will not only issue, the expected, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter editions, but add to it with additional versions of their seasonal offerings,

Having just completed one of these seasonal, thinning outs, the recycling bag is now considerably heavier than it usually is.
I get Suttons but never buy from them and have told them to stop sending may times, to no avail. I only buy from the Real Seed people and even then only occasionally as I save my own seed as much as possible. Just sown my Onion seed for the year and started off the best of last year's crop for next year's seed.
I get a King's seeds catalogue once a year, with a couple of flyers for veg plants, which isn't too bad. Also get the parkers wholesale catalogue for work, big but only twice a year thankfully.

If you've had things from Sarah Raven's catalogue how have you found them? I've heard very mixed reports. Have had problems in the past with less popular lines from some seed companies where the seed has been so old the germination rates have been terrible. For some plants the only real option is saving your own seed if you can grow enough to maintain diversity
I get a King's seeds catalogue once a year, with a couple of flyers for veg plants, which isn't too bad. Also get the parkers wholesale catalogue for work, big but only twice a year thankfully.

If you've had things from Sarah Raven's catalogue how have you found them? I've heard very mixed reports. Have had problems in the past with less popular lines from some seed companies where the seed has been so old the germination rates have been terrible. For some plants the only real option is saving your own seed if you can grow enough to maintain diversity
I do save some seed, It is a lot easier for annuals like Rocker, Coriander, Beans etc. Those that seed in the second year always seem to be in the way - no matter how enjoyable seeing them flower can be, especially if one is tight for space and operating a rotation of crops.
With Sarah Raven, I particularly like the varieties they have to offer. Though, last year I have to admit that, for the first time, I cut out the middleman and ordered my tulips direct from Holland, at a notable saving. The only seed I have had trouble with from Sarah Raven is Cosmos Sulphureus I have tried it out over several years, and, compared to other varieties, even if I can get it to germinate, it then fails to thrive.
I find Parkers to be particularly challenging at times as well, From gladioli of a completely different colour to bare root cuttings that fail to establish. You get bits of the plant, but for other than the most skilled gardener , they will often not grow.
I know what you mean about the biennials, although I don't worry too much about rotation on the size plots I'm working. The only real issues here are with onions where white rot is so persistent, and blackleg that can get the potatoes in a wet year.

Only really use parkers for winter and summer bulbs, cheap enough on wholesale and so far only a few rogues thankfully. Remember receiving a batch of very expensive lupins that turned out to be completely the wrong type. Apparently someone had mislabeled the stock plants so an entire year's production was wrong. Nearly bankrupted the nursery
I get Suttons but never buy from them and have told them to stop sending may times, to no avail. I only buy from the Real Seed people and even then only occasionally as I save my own seed as much as possible. Just sown my Onion seed for the year and started off the best of last year's crop for next year's seed.

I choose Real Seeds first!

I find myself trusting them quite a lot - probably helped by the fact that they encourage you to save your own seed rather than buy from them repeatedly!
I get my seeds from D.T. Brown, they send one catalogue Dec/Jan, & one in spring, & that's all I get.
The way I understand it, is that you have ever purchased from one of these seed and plant firms, then you will be sent their catalogues. As my wife and I have obviously made purchases from each of the firms in question, then the volume of catalogues is understandable. It's all our own fault really.
However, I do enjoy a good catalogue, In fact a friend used to say that his idea of gardening was to sit in a deck chair, on a summers day, with a good drink and a bunch of gardening catalogues.:giggle:
I think Marshalls and Suttons are the same firm now. Sadly, their website(s) are bad - so normally for the small volumes I buy from T&M normally via a local retailer.

Moving house and not giving them a change of address is otherwise one way to stop the catalogs from landing on your doormat.
I got up yesterday showered and dried
Put my clean underpants on, unknown to me back to front so that the dik slit was at the back.
Three hours later I rushed into Morrisons loo followed by two big scaffolding blokes.
I'm stood at one urinal with my hand down my trousers trying to find the slit, jiggling about as I try to prevent wetting myself.
The bloke next to me zipped up leaving me jostling about.
On leaving he informed his mate who was waiting to go, "watch that pervert in the corner."
After somehow managing a pee and washing my hands at the sink, I managed to tell the second bloke that I'd but my underpants on back to front, and could he kindly explain to his disgusted mate the situation I was in.
The chap was killed himself laughing as we exited the loos and his mate looked as as both as if we had found romance and were now dating.
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A forum for intertwining jokes with conversation, or in this case conversation with jokes.
Please feel free to ask any seed questions.
Mrs Foliage asks,
" Where can I buy cannabis seeds, or plants?"
Might as well go the whole hog on a joke forum Mrs Foliage.


Two for one at Suttons seeds.

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