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      ShavedSpoke replied to the thread Sanders.
      I have the Bosch GEX12V cordless. For what it is, it's great. It's comfortable to use, nicely balanced, dust collection works well. But...
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      ShavedSpoke replied to the thread Led light panels.
      How are you guys mounting the recess panels? Do you have the full grid ceiling, or are you just sticking single panels up?
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      ShavedSpoke replied to the thread Electric vehicles.
      Not unsurprising, but somewhat stupid given the savings to be had if you use a PHEV on electric only mode when running around close to...
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      ShavedSpoke replied to the thread Electric vehicles.
      Kia EV9? As an addendum to my previous post at the top of this page, the thing that held me back from getting a second EV as our 'big'...
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      ShavedSpoke replied to the thread Electric vehicles.
      Maybe. Although I just bought a second one. We've had a Zoe for nearly 6 years. Wife uses it daily for driving to work. Luckily we...
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