Riley Toolworks Marking gauge - Passaround?

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Thanks Jimi.
To answer a few question.
I don't really get why people don't like the wheel cutter. If you look at the profile it's not really that different to a fingernail grind on a knife style cutter. Plus, it can be loosened and rotated to give a fresh cutting edge.
The plan is to make my own wheels.
I was thinking, at one point of offering a knife style cutter, and indeed made a prototype in that vein but preferred the wheel type after testing.
I hear what you're saying regarding the passaround but I don;t think getting the mods involved is either fair or right. It's not their problem, and I'm grateful they even allow me to use the forum to show what I do in the first place.
I think the missing awl was probably an honest oversight, and won't let that put me off doing another one.
Perhaps this should be organised from my (new) blog though as this is not what the forums for.
I love that gauge you made. Very classy.
How are you getting on with the mill?
Have you given any more thought to the plane casting yet? I should be doing some very soon....
All the best.

Hi Adam

The wheel debate was part of the overall debate on cutter profiles and I wasn't really influenced by that discussion when making my choice...rather wanting to avoid "modern" variations in mine.

Although having said that I bet someone (BB?) will now tell me that the wheel was an ancient design before knives! I preferred to not re-invent the...( more jokes today!) :mrgreen:

I haven't had many more thoughts on the plane casting but I'm still keen on the Lancashire pattern...or the Irish "Preston" chariot. Those would both sell like hot cakes...especially over the pond and they could both be sold as "complete yourself" castings...raw or finished. These chariot especially is a great "finish it yourself" all you would need is some tool steel or old iron (Fleabay) and a lump of wood...and you have a very nice working block plane!

We need to talk more on this plan.

Cheers mate and put me on the list for the passaround now if you would!

Having had a think about it, I'll be doing a passaround (and giveaway provided it doesn't go missing) of one of the first finished gauges.
To take part though, you will need to subscribe to my blog.


Sadly not the only "pass around" to go wrong - the Liogier Rasp got lost on its travels!
