Resawing in Edinburgh?

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Established Member
23 Jun 2013
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I was very glad to find this site and have found the forums to be quite helpful. I'm just starting a box project and need to get the timber resawn from 1" down to something like 3/8" thickness. I've got a small flat and for obvious reasons don't have a bandsaw and planer, so I've been trying to see if I can find a cooperative or private shop where I can rent some time with the tools necessary to do this. Alternately, if this isn't possible, I'd be happy to hire someone to do the resaw for me. Can anyone recommend either that are in Edinburgh?
I could perhaps help but cannot do anything before about the end of July....for various reasons. Send me a Private message and see what we can arrange if it is of any interest to you. I live in Edinburgh. Best wishes.

I should have said ...there would be no charge.
Many thanks to you both for the gracious replies. twothumbs: I can't seem to PM yet as I'm a newbie on the forums here. That would be great as I'm not aiming to be done before Aug., perhaps you can PM me and I'll reply to sort out the particulars?
Nothing shows in my inbox - perhaps email is better? I'm jeremy dot kidwell at ed dot ac dot uk (convert dots and at to punctuation).
Interesting post - I can foresee me having some similar requests quite soon! total newbie but again struggling to find thin stock for box building.

Also would be great to find out whose based in the Edinburgh area (im in the north!).
Why don't you join an evening class at a local school/college. That way you will have access to machinery and other tools? the local library may also have details of local clubs etc

Just thought.

Thanks David

I'm on the lookout at the moment and awaiting an email back from one possible club (thought there would be more options)

The club I have found are mainly turners but really wouldn't mind learning and I'm sure there will be a few people there who could give me some local advice on supplies too (just hoping that they allow total newcomers!)
I am across the Forth in Glenrothes if you need a hand. I have also got kiln dried timber for sale as I mill and dry all my own timber. Species available include oak, yew, ash, douglas fir, and beech. Also got some recycled teak worktops.


Been a while since i visited the roundabout city Mike!

I shall PM you so that if I'm through that way I can come pay you a visit - cheers