Please help me to try and find the pearwood I need :) Thanks

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25 Sep 2010
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I have been trying to find Pear wood but I cant find any for the size I would like....It must be no less than 4" Square by around 8" - 12" long.

Does anyone know where I might find some??...I have looked everywhere and thought I should join this forum in the hope that I could find a supplier!! I have contacted many suppliers here in the UK but they don't seem to have any and have suggested I contact German suppliers maybe???



Thank you

Have you tried emailing Ockendon Timber ( I know pear isn't listed on their website but they don't list their entire stocks online. The last time I was there (about 6 months ago) I bought a couple of small pieces of pear and some damson - I think they deal in wood brought in by local tree surgeons as well as their standard stocks so they may be worth a try.
Hi Kym,

I will give them a call first thing Monday morn.. The problem seems to be that the timber only really comes up for sale when a small orchard is sold and that rarely happens to be thanks for the thread, fingers crossed!!!

Kind regards

The only times that I have beenable to get hold of them on the phone is on a Thursday when the shopis open.

Hi there well currently Im living in Poland but Im back in the UK from time to time (hertfordshire) to be more exact.
Well I have just had an email from John Ockenden at ockenden-timber and he doesn't seem to be able to help me. Its not looking good.

Anybody....anyother ideas....they are much appreciated

Thank you :)
Hello Craig and welcome :D
Can we ask what you will be doing with it and how much you need :?:
Do you want it already planked or in log form :?:
Hi Paul thanks for your welcome! Well a friend of mine is a designer and currently working on a rather grand kitchen in a country house. He wants me to turn some small balustrades that he has designed (in pear, to match the kitchen) The problem being is that his design is rather large scaled, in its width, and he isn't that keen on here I am.

I need it to be dry, well a usable moisture content, not green. I need two pieces around 4" square sections and around 7" long.

Is it possible you may be able to help or know of someone that might?


Craig :) long as its dry I can covert it myself, so either log form or planked is good for me! :):)
Hello Craig.
I do have some Pear logs and these are all i have that suit your sizes,as you can see they do have some splits in,especially the larger one which is 16" dia,but you might get something out of it.
I have been storing them for about 18 months,off the ground on a pallet,so whether it is of any use to you........ :?:
The rest i have was cut into logs about 6" thick,as it was heavy to handle.

If your friemnd is making the kitchen modules in pear then I would assume that he has a source. I would have thought he could provide you with the wood?

I would also check what colour the pear is that he is using as it is often steamed in the drying process which makes it more pink/orange.

Hi Paul, Sorry for not getting back to you earlier as Ive been out.......Oh wow! What a great Photo!!!! :):)

They look like they could do the job! They could be dry enough? I have only one problem as I'm currently working in Poland and not back in the UK until December. This is a project I will be working on then. Would you be able to save a couple of pieces for me until then? I would be most grateful.

Oh you have just made my day!!! :):)

Message for Pete: Unfortunately all the cabinets have been veneered and not made from solid but thanks for the suggestion.
Craigrobins wrote
I have only one problem as I'm currently working in Poland and not back in the UK until December. This is a project I will be working on then. Would you be able to save a couple of pieces for me until then? I would be most grateful.
No problem at all Craig.I have plenty of other wood to get through before i get to the Pear.Just let me know if you have offer of any better pieces.
Just got back to turning again in the last couple of weeks, found this forum 4or 5 days ago and have been going to join, then just read your post.
I was at Isca woodcrafts on Friday buying some timber and he had a pretty thick slab of Pear there, not exactly sure of the thickness but it was in a stack of 3-4" and thicker stuff.Was told it hadn't been steamed but was quite pink in colour, he will happily cut to sizes you need.

They are closed all next week though as the grounds of Tredegar house where they are based is being used for parking for the Ryder cup.
Thanks Paul, that's really kind of you. Of course I will let you know if I go for something else but to be honest your timber looks very promising plus it means I can rest a little knowing I might be able you use some of your stock for the job. Is there some way I can contact you on my return? I can send you my details if you wish.

Thanks again and I will be in touch! :)

Hi Turnr77, Thanks very much for your information this too is most helpful in my search. I'm shocked at just how powerful these forums can be. I have been calling around to so many suppliers and to no avail, now I have two leads from really helpful people. Thanks again.

Message to Paul: I don't want to 'hurt' your offer in anyway but I might call this chap to see what the moisture content of his stock might be? I will let you know of the outcome.

Thanks everyone once again


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