Pipe Clamps


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Established Member
21 Feb 2015
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County Durham
I mean the type of bar clamp on a round pipe rather than a box shaped sash clamp. Any suppliers in the UK? Or are they called something different over here?
I've got some called Pony Clamps which use the standard gas piping.
Cannot remember where I bought them though.
Can reach really big spans with the screw adapters.

I think that there are 3 main brands of these, and probably various copies. Beesey, Pony and Jorgensen
I made my own up, bought several sets of heads and tails like on the link Marcros gives. Bought the heads and tails some time back from Axminster when they were doing a special price on them. I also got several Pony sets from USA when the exchange rate was much more in our favour, USA also at the time had a discounted postal method, that made it very cost effective.

I have a BSS Steel stock holder down the road a bit, I bought 3.5M of 3/4" steel tube for about £30, that they cut into 4ft long sections for me. I bought a Draper die set and a Draper vice and some cutting oil. I threaded both ends of the pipe. I also bought couplers so can join together to make extended lengths.
Could also have pipe lengths cut to 2ft length and thread for couplers. The Draper vice marrs the pipe a bit but can be easily enough filed off. A chain vice wouldn't dig in. Using the Draper vice put the pipe in the jaws put a rag around the end of the pipe, braced it against a door, cutting the threads was pretty easy. Can put a lot of clamping pressure on these if need too without problems.