No. 3 Resto

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Established Member
17 Jan 2010
Reaction score
Chelmsford, Essex
Sadly i cant find the pictures off when i brought it but it had 40% japanning and deep scratches on the side so spent a few hours this is what im up to so far




Hope to have the handles near complete tomorrow and the laver cap and blade.

What do you guys think?
Nice and shiny mate! Looking forward to seeing it assembled.

The No.3 is one size I was desperate for, for quite some time and then I got one...tuned it up and stuck it on the shelf where it now rests, untouched.

Maybe I just haven't had the need for that size yet...maybe I never will!

I have no such urge to continue the downward sequence nor get a No.8....strange that!

Haha jim i brought this to tidy then sell. I dont really want to sell it though as i always wanted one but i honestly cant think off a use for it.

Im going to buy a shabby no.5 next though then i have all the baileys i should need. Then move on to another type off tool.
What do you think off the black?
The colour and "oily look"are fine but I think it needs to be thicker...or the underneath did not have much guess is that it is probably a cold Japanning?

You're probably gonna tell me it is smooth Hammerite aren't you?

Nope its yacht paint it enamal its great for everything also i didnt brush it on but dabbed it as i didnt want it to look like well paint i wanted it closer to the look of jappaning hope i got the effect i was after you tell me?