Just letting you be aware before you part with any of the hard earned pennies about the problems I've had with buying a Festool TS55R the new one !
Got it home and noticed that the scale was not lining up with the zero point even though the saw cut perfect 90 degrees.
So how do you set the saw to 22.5 or 5 or what ever point in between using the scale, the 45 setting using the same camera angle shows it at the very top of the line.
This was the original saw
I spoke with festool who agreed to take it back and send a new one, well pleased or so I thought.
When the new "checked before sending" saw arrived it was worse that the 1st, it does not even move the scale when the minus one degree lever is pulled.
Another email or 2 go back an forth before they say that its the angle which the photograph was taken at and there is nothing they can do to resolve it.
I took another for them
The only way to get the mark to line up is to look at it from the level of the sole plate! surely not correct !
So after shelling out much more than £600 for it and extras I have to return it for a refund leaving me in the lurch with a kitchen fit on the go
Festool, not what they are cut out to be,
"work with precision, even in places where precision is lacking" it says on the video of the site!
They are having a laugh!
So be sure you will be happy about buying a saw which when set to cut 5 degrees needs to be set to 4...
Got it home and noticed that the scale was not lining up with the zero point even though the saw cut perfect 90 degrees.
So how do you set the saw to 22.5 or 5 or what ever point in between using the scale, the 45 setting using the same camera angle shows it at the very top of the line.
This was the original saw
I spoke with festool who agreed to take it back and send a new one, well pleased or so I thought.
When the new "checked before sending" saw arrived it was worse that the 1st, it does not even move the scale when the minus one degree lever is pulled.
Another email or 2 go back an forth before they say that its the angle which the photograph was taken at and there is nothing they can do to resolve it.
I took another for them
The only way to get the mark to line up is to look at it from the level of the sole plate! surely not correct !
So after shelling out much more than £600 for it and extras I have to return it for a refund leaving me in the lurch with a kitchen fit on the go
Festool, not what they are cut out to be,
"work with precision, even in places where precision is lacking" it says on the video of the site!
They are having a laugh!
So be sure you will be happy about buying a saw which when set to cut 5 degrees needs to be set to 4...