need advice on buying a metal lathe

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Some really great advise... where would I be without you lot. I'm toying with the idea of a Bantam, these a guy in colchester wos selling one and I'm only 15 minutes away from the Colchester so i may ring him.

Best regards Mervyn

Keep the advise coming guys
Good morning all, you have now converted me into wanting a bantam 800 or a student lathe I have found this one on ebay ... 2a385ada7c
got another question the lathe is not too far from me, is it easy enough to remove some of the parts to make it lighter for lifting and transporting down through the garden and in workshop, when I mean lifting I mean manual lifting with some strong guys??


I really want a Colchester lathe now but I'm very concerned about getting into workshop from the front of my house which is got gates, pergolas, gravel path, steps all the obstacles that would make it impossible to move the lathe as a whole item...any ideas as I would love to own this Bantam and maybe later restore it later on
The weight of that lathe is 343kg but the main bulk of the lathe i should think will not come apart
Well, if the Bantam is what your heart is set on, good luck bidding. But check prices elsewhere before getting carried away!

As to moving it, obviously the stand comes off, and if you can get an engine crane near to it, that will cope with the lifting and possibly the moving to your transport if the floor is reasonably smooth.
The garden journey may be more of a problem, but it's surprising what you can move with a two wheel trolley provided it has biggish tyres - even the garden-centre type would probably do.
Of course, if you want real luxury, one of those tracked Honda-powered barrows would be your answer!
Thanks Dick I think my heart is set on A Colchester lathe now either the Bantam 800 or a Student if I can pick one up localized to where I live my son-in-laws father has a big van with a tail lift, failing that I have a pick-up truck that will take a 1000kg but then I would need to hire an engine crane or even buy one which wouldn’t be a problem, great tip about the trolleys Dick that would do it... where there's a way there's a will...isn’t that what they say.

Regards Mervyn
The colchester student weighs 790kg and one piece of advice i was given about it was you need at least a 6 inch concrete slab under it
I've moved a few machine tools in my time. Smaller industrial lathes are fairly straightforward if you're on a flat concrete floor, but you have to be careful when jacking and packing them up to get them on and off skates or pallet trucks, because they tend to be top-heavy and rather easy to tip over sideways (I've seen the aftermath of such incidents - not good for the machine, usually). Moving a 3/4 ton lathe up a garden path is probably possible, but it's not something I'd like to do. There are specialist devices to get heavy loads up and down steps, but finding them won't be easy.

I think if I were to attempt this, I'd build a runway of scaffolding planks solidly blocked on wooden packing where necessary, and topped with steel plates. Keep the lathe level at all times, except when you're jacking it up and down. Hire a set of machine skates - you won't need big ones - and use three; two tied across at the headstock end, one at the tailstock end. Push the lathe along it's long axis only. Any attempt to push the lathe across it's long axis will tip it over (as will any instability in the ground or wooden packing). If a 3/4 ton lathe lands on you, you're in trouble, so take great care at all times. When you get to steps, keep the lathe level, and move it over a solid platform of timber. Once it's clear of the step, jack it down in about 3" to 4" steps one end at a time. Reverse procedure for up steps. A small Tirfor winch or similar can be useful for moving the machine; shackle it to a skate, not the machine, and chain the skates together so that they move as one.

Colchester lathes have a tapped hole in the middle of the bed near the headstock into which you screw an eyebolt, which makes lifting them relatively easy. Make sure you use the right eyebolt thread (the correct eyebolt is part of the machin's equipment, but most of them go walkies). Secure the saddle at the tailstock end, and make sure the tailstock is locked, or it'll fall off the end of the bed.

Alternatively, buy something you can carry in.
CC makes a very important point about stability - another good reason to suspend the lathe from something like a crane rather than having it sitting on just its mounting points. Nearly had a couple of nastytipping incidents moving just a Super 7, which is a feather compared to the Colchester.
Wizard I will give you £130.00 for - got my eye on a Boxford CUD now, I think I could lead into problems with transport with a Colchester Bantam - looking at the the Boxford I think I should be able to remove it from the base and move it easier and still provide my needs.

Good luck with your Boxford Wizard you lucky sod

Cant help you there i think you need to ring the company selling the lathe and arrange to go see it they should be able to tell you which is best
Also check how many tool holders it comes with as they do cost

also are you going to want a DRO
Cheers guys, a model A what’s the difference?... sorry chaps but this is a whole new world for me as I'm mainly a woodturner, is a model A better machine and as for a digital read out yes that would be handy but not essential, I could probably go to about £1100.00 but I want a good Boxford for that money and with some tooling, QCTP is a must a 240v would be good... hell I didn't know it was going to be such a task to find a good decent lathe.

You guys have stopped me from making some stupid mistakes and that I appreciate I have one stab at this and I need to get it right.

My search continues!


Edited into post
I now know what the A stands for...LOL
A and AUD
B and BUD
C and CUD
Hi all I have found a model A Boxford.. now I have to look for the right inverter I spoke to one lathe company and they said that the motor has to be duel voltage to use an this true? I'm hoping the lathe I'm looking at has a duel voltage otherwise I'm back to square one again... I know I may have to pay £200 + for an inverter...any info on this would be great... I'm waiting to get the info from the motor then I shall speak to someone who sells these inverters.

oh! by the way my budget has been blown as it looks like it's going to cost around about £1400.00


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