Name that price

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Jason B was as close as it gets .
Actually building the unit was cheap but the rest has bumped the price up as i cant use the workshop while i have wet paint on the go .
Ive just had a wicked thought ....... wouldn't it be funny to have these as workshop storage :lol:
I'm a winner \:D/ \:D/

The real question should be "what should I have charged for this" as we don't know if you made a profit, loss or broke even :?:

Its always interesting to look back at the end of a job and see if it took as long as you estimated and if you should make adjustments to your pricing for future projects.

Its an electrician Andy.

Ok lets rethink...£1000 is the closest, with another bid of 1500. £1200 and its yours guv'nor. Bargain.

Winner, JFC only said close. Let the judges decision be final!

How many guesses do I get?

£1000 plus vat was the closest to be picky :lol: The job was actually a "we need help just do it" job . I quoted around £400 for the unit but the rest has bumped the price up . Thats £400 because i've done alot of work for them in the past and have loads more to do .
Fair enough. Nice Job.

Can't beat a bit of repeat business. You seem to have a good setup there. All the work you post on here seems to be really varied, keep up the good work, more importantly keep showing us!


how can you put a price like that on somthing that is not manufacutred to a specific design.

also lets have some pics of it in natural light, i can see where the mdf has been jointed on the top facia and the shelves.

based on the two comments above it would look reasonable with a price tag of £699 on it if i walked past it in a top end furniture shop.

what did it cost to make?
materials and elec, £180?
labour (you say 2 days to spray and should take no longer than 2 days manufactuer), so 4 days?
vsumouse":1xdz6h3k said:
how can you put a price like that on somthing that is not manufacutred to a specific design.?

You would price a job buy working out labour, materials, overheads etc, as you get experience of the type of work you will get to know how long a job is likely to take, materials etc are known costs.

If you were buying a mass produced item, you would expect the cost to come down due to the economics of volume production. For example if JFC was going to be making two identical units at the same time it would probably come out at about £1500 plus VAT and proportionally less if there were three.

Your right its not perfect but then i was given very short notice and it HAS to go out finished today . Even at four days it would put the price at £800 plus materials at £170 plus the sparkie at £120 . I would really like another day on it to get it perfect but its going in 2 hours and needs to be wrapped for transport .
JFC":og1uxbgn said:
Actually building the unit was cheap but the rest has bumped the price up as i cant use the workshop while i have wet paint on the go .

Its an interesting dilemma this (one I share).

I never know which way I should go in terms of charging for 'inconvenience' especially when a perfectly reasonable response from a customer would be that it was my problem and I should have more space given that its a normal part of the making process.


I don't think it matters how much space you have . If you cant use the area because of a job then that job gets billed for it .
When the customer asks for the next job then your price is fully vindicated.
I think one thing worth bearing in mind with this is that where it is for an exhibition, the people walking past it are going to be looking at whats being shown on the shelves rather than the unit its self.
With having to get an electrician in to do the wiring, I dont see the price as too steep at all.
Lovely unit, how did you fix the shelves? I am hoping to do a unit for my daughters bathroom and intend to use MRMDF (if I can locate a supplier in Norfolk that is). Please excuse me asking what appear to be basic questions, I only do woodwork as a hobby and have a lot to learn.
By using MRMDF does this stop the need for sealing it prior to spraying, I note that you mention sealing the ends of your unit with diluted PVA does this also apply to the edges? Was it used instead of using an MDF sealer, and is it a better option?
Cheers Con
Hi Con ,
Sorry when i said seal the ends i mean sealing the edges . I would think you would still need to do this on any MDF . The shelves have a battern running around the front and sides (not the back to allow for the electrics) I then screwed through the sides of the unit to fix the shelves , also some fixings in the back . The side (wings) then go on to hide the screw holes and to allow for the wiring .
if I can locate a supplier in Norfolk that is
You have but to ask :)
Cushions, Barn road Norwich and they store their materials truly flat, not on a couple of bearers.

Cheers Alan