Myford ml8 stops after starting up???

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Established Member
4 Oct 2020
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The myford ml8 at our men's shed stops straight after starting up.

Anyone know what this is likely to be?

The switch is dodgy in that it doesn't release the ON button when the off button is pressed but I don't think that's the reason it's not running. Nor is there a great deal of drag on the bearing or anything.....

We have a leaders working party Monday to sort out a few bits.

Cheers James

Difficult to say, but, if the switch (nvr ?) is already playing up I think I would suspect it and start there!
I would remove the blade - bypass the switch - just connect the incoming supply to the outgoing feed to the motor together - if the switch is double pole i.e both the live and neutral are controlled by the switch then join the neutral cables together aswell and turn the power on. If it runs ok then it's definitely the switch.....
Does the Mens shed insurance allow fiddling/adjusting or otherwise of electrical equipment by an unqualified person?
Are any of the members electricians or know one that would do a goodwill check?

I must state I have no electrical qualifications the following is simply what I would do as a home diy person, if you try any of the following its at your own risk

I have had a couple of ML8's and found that sometimes you have to hold the on switch on for 10 seconds or more for the motor to properly catch and run so try that first., if ok then I would count it as that will do
If not next I would remove the plug from the wall socket
Then connect the 240v mains power lead direct to the motor leads, from memory you might have an armoured cable and not much space in the MEM (?) box that the switch fits in.
Then I would put plug back to the wall and switch on the plug socket - the lathe should run (unless the earths are properly connected I wouldn't touch the lathe or cabinet) - let it run a few minutes or past the time it will switch itself off and repeat. If all ok then its the switch.
Don't forget as far as I know these were made between 1950 and 1980 so old motor and switch.
BTW There is someone on ebay breaking ML8 lathes and state they have all parts
I don't know anything about the ML8, but does the motor have start up and run capacitors, run capacitor could have gone AWOL.
Indeed it could be the run capacitor or some of those motors might have a centrifugal run switch, this could be malfunctioning. Any feedback on progress ?
Not yet as the switch wasn't in stock. I now have the switch but the lathe master has gone to the USA for Christmas and this Tuesday is a bit of a Christmas party so I doubt it will be done before the new year and perhaps not until we are in our new work shop!!

Cheers James