Forgot to put this one on.
A few years ago HID's wanted a new kitchen and me being fussy said only if its in hardwood. So of we went to tours all the kitchen shops, we discarded most becuase there wasn't any hardwood in site.
Have to admit that we did find some quality places that would do just as we wanted, or so they say. Everything was looking rosy, all we had to do now was wait for the quotes to come.
Duly they arrived on the mat and it wasn't long before they were in the bin, the prices were horrendous, you could but a couple of madium family cars with what they were asking.
Now HID's was getting upset, so I suggested I make the kitchen, took a bit of persuading but in the end she agreed.
During the construction I think she thought she'd made the wrong choice but when she got the finished job she was pleased.
Construction was done mainly at weekends and units were replaced one at a time. Total time for the complete job was 18 months.
Material is sycamore with maple inlays, all carcasses are 19mm and all units have full backs. Corner floor units contain the magic corner unit and floor units also contain fridge, fresser and dishwasher.
Now down to cost: All utilities in the kitchen are new, as is the floor, the worktop is not corian but the similair type that fits together so you can't see the joints.
All mine for half the price of one medium family car, £6,000. Mind you labour is not included.
Not sure how long it would take to make if I did it full time, or even if there is a market out there. any of you kitchen WW got any advise.