My new Dust extraction system

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Established Member
25 Nov 2012
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Hi folks,

Just set up ducting for my new dust extraction system. Its an Axminster FM300BC with filter cartridge. I have used metal blast gates (axminster) and 110mm drainage pipe ducting.

I have the twin port on the extractor. One goes direct to my table saw, the other onto the ducting. The ducting currently only has one source (middle of my work bench). The extension to the ducting (towards the end of my workbench where the orange joints are) is blanked off just now.

I'm a little disappointed by the suck at source. I put my thickness planer on the work bench, so furthest from the extractor, but its not exactly that far. When i'm using the machine, most of the rubbish is taken away, but there is still dust kicking out the back of the planer. Is that normal? Perhaps my expectations are too high?

Likewise for my table saw - i expected it to clean up most of the dust, but there is still a fair bit sitting on the table. But perhaps thats got more to do with the rubbish plastic blade guard? I only put that on for its dust extraction use.

The dust obviously spins around within the bottom bag of the extractor. If i open the second blast gate right at the machine (i.e. allowing suction at the table saw as well as the drain pipe ducting), the dust spins in the bag much faster! This would suggest to me that the 110mm ducting is too restrictive with just one port open? Would i be putting the motor under unnecessary strain if this is the case?

Rubbish photos, but maybe it'll help.



Hi - looks like a decent setup!

The first thing to do is to try and minimise any flexible hose. The ridges in the hose affect air flow quite a bit.

The next thing is to try and remove that 180 degree bend from the extractor base to the ducting. I'd consider flipping your extractor around so it's facing the wall. You could even run your ducting straight up from the base.

I'd also consider running ducting to your tablesaw - there's hose on the floor, so it might as well be smooth ducting.

It's difficult to see the positions of the blast gates - they might also be impacting suction. You could also consider having your extractor as central as possible to the machines at either end.

Don't expect great extraction at the tablesaw though - the blade guard hose is often useless unless you plug a shop vac into it, and the main extraction is generally poor because the extraction housing inside has to be so open