tudormaker":1uhggkm9 said:
Since I started turning I think that this is the best piece that I have done, but what do you think (be honest).
Not for me - if twisted ribbon was turned then it wins hand's down, I like the wand (great decoration and form) and, more relevant to this piece, turkish delight.
The relevance is in proportions. The mahogany overpowers the piece, and for me it's scale adds to this such that the delicate chestnut gets overwhelmed. If the base and finial were chestut, and the orb mahogany, it would work better - but a simpler solution would be to make the mahogany bits significantly more delicate.
Whilst being honest I don't get the form of the base either.
There's clearly a piece in there somewhere, and the chestnut looks stunning - so much so that I would definitely try and develop it if it were me.
I have got into trouble for interpreting 'be honest' at face value before, and there's no technical basis for my assesment, I can only hope that this is what you are looking for.
'Turkish delight' just looks so much more balanced/ in proportion.