What you have said seems to agree with my thinking ,so I must be making some head way .
Geoff , having seen the scale and beauty of your work on F/B I realize I have all the bells and whistles but not all the talent ,but God loves a trier .
Bryan , I think you do a lot of tricky inside cuts ,I have not tried the No. 1 blade yet I am still at the big is beautiful stage yet..
Clockie , I have not used either Pegas , or Olsen , blades as of yet so can't remark on their cutting ,the only other person who I know that scrolls over here uses Olsen .but he lives a 210km round trip away .I hope to see him in a few weeks time when the weather gets a little better .
Thanks for the replys it's helpful to know what other scrollers use and what ways they go about their work . God Bless.