MF 15 1/2 mitrebox rebuild and Groves saw build

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Derek Cohen (Perth Oz)

Established Member
2 Mar 2005
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
I've wanted a small mitre box for sawing mouldings forever. The Miller's Falls #74 I have is a HUGE beast, a carpenter's tool. Had my eye on a Miller's Falls #15 1/2 several years ago, but then it got Schwarzed, and I watched the prices climb. Finally I just built a small mitre box, the Steam Punk Mitre box, which was fun and functional, but I doubt that it has the fortitude to take it into the next century.

I kept an eye on eBay, and a #15 1/2 would come up every now-and-then, but starting at silly money. Damn The Schwarz.

Finally one came up that was reasonable, not cheap, but reasonable (with low shipping - that is the killer to Oz) .. and there looked to be little interest from others. Not too surprising as it had issues. I put in a snipe bid, and won it. Of course the Seller miscalculated shipping costs, but was good for the amount .. however sent it on a slow ship. It arrived ... eventually.

It looked like this ..


The # 15 1/2 is 12" long. Here it is with the #74C and its 28" long x 5 1/2" deep saw ...


The issues? Well, the rear guide had broken off (must have been dropped) and been brazed. It was a good job insofar being straight ...


The shell was stripped down, and one of the repairs was to smooth over the weld before repainting ...


I discovered that the blade holder (that runs inside the guide) had also been welded at the lower end, and then the weld carefully filed flush. However it removed some of the steel, and now the fit was a little sloppy.

To tighten this up, I tapped both sides of the guide and made set screws in nylon ..


The other modification I made was to add more nylon inside the blade holder, where the saw back runs, to create tighter tolerances and a smooth action. It works really well ..


Now I needed a saw. The original saw was 16" long with a depth of 2 1/2". Here is the one I made - more info in a short while - together with the 28" beast for comparison ...


The saw plate and brass back came from Isaac Smith (Blackburn Tools). The plate is filed 13 tpi crosscut, and is 0.20" thick. The brass back just needed draw filling and polishing. I chose not to go with a folded back as like the clean look of the slotted back, as well as it being a more reliable construction. Isaac does a fabulous job. The saw cuts as cleanly as a Japanese saw.

The saw handle was inspired by a Grove tenon saw handle made by George Wilson, whom I consider to be one of the finest craftsmen around, whether tools or musical instruments. George built the saws for Colonial Williamsburg. Here are two of his saws, a dovetail and the tenon saw in question ...


The detailing on these handles is exceptional, in particular the crisp, defined lines. This was my aim (only, of course, the proportions for a mitre saw will be slightly different).

This is the boring shot of the completed mitre box and saw ...


The wood used throughout is Fiddleback Jarrah. I had a few scrap pieces left over from the Wegner Chair build. I should have remembered that carving it was a nightmare: beautiful but hard and brittle, especially brittle at the edges. A lot of careful work went into the shaping here.

This is the money shot ...


The last issue was that there was a missing depth stop. Consequently, I made two new ones from brass. I thought that would help in matching to the brass in the saw.


I had never made a lamb's tongue like this one before. In looking at photos on the Internet I became aware that no one posted a picture of the underside. So here is mine ...


One other modification was allowing sone of the cast iron to remain unpainted at the front. Here is the combination sawing a mitre. It performs as well as hoped ..


Thanks for looking.


Regards from Perth

very nice. I assume that small mitrebox's have never been a common item, hence the relative scarcity?
Hi Marcos

Lots and lots of the big boys - in the USA they are dirt cheap. But the small ones are indeed rare.

The large ones are carpenters tools from before powered mitre saws. I gave up cutting mouldings on mine - it was easier to saw to a line and then shoot the result (which one needs to do anyway, although I am getting good results with the#15 1/2).

Regards from Perth

would you still need to shoot the mouldings after the 15 1/2 for that glass like edge?
Probably Marcros, as adjustments always need to be made. Nothing is that square. But I am hoping that - if the saw continues to perform this well, that it only be a minor tidying up.

Regards from Perth

marcros":2o26rini said:
very nice. I assume that small mitrebox's have never been a common item, hence the relative scarcity?

Not really. Available for the last twenty years at least in 10 tpi up to 32 tpi (advertised for nonferrous metals but works fine on wood) as well as a 16 tpi Japanese toothed blade: ... at=1,42884

They do have a bit of tinny feel to them but once clamped down or mounted on a board all is well. Cast iron does not make a more accurate unit. There's enough variance in the saw plate itself, even if not visible by eye, to put a bump in a wide miter. A saw not perfectly set will do the same thing. A higher tooth count blade tends to cancel out some of these defects as can a narrower blade though the pitfall to avoid with the Nobex is overtensioning.

Like all manual miter boxes of any vintage, miters on wide stock will likely need a touch of fine tuning (small narrow stock will fit fine right off the saw on the one I've linked), a handheld block plane is usually enough once you see where a little tissue needs to be removed. And once you get used to saw and box, you'll know exactly where all your wider miters will need a little touch up.