Metal tool drawers

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Established Member
7 Nov 2013
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Hi fellow woodies,

I am looking to reorganise my workshop (for the 3rd time) and have found some helpful articles about making the best use of a small space. in one of these articles from fine woodworking they mention some small metal tool trays the same as these,43326&p=46037. Unfortunately I can't find these anywhere in the UK so was wondering if any of. Your guys had any ideas where I could get them from or another industry that might use them that I have missed.

Thanks in advance for you usual helpful answers :D
Unless you're determined to obtain metal, there are plenty of suitable plastic trays (various depths, strengths etc) that might suit. Less attractive to the rust gremlins also.
Thanks for the prompt replies guys...I think plastic might we'll end up being the way to go. It's the usual thing of the US has a massive selection of tools, accessories etc, whereas we have a limited choice and what we do have seems to be the same thing under a different paint scheme!
Sorry rant over!
I've been picking up those Bisley cabinets for that same purpose and they work well. You seem to be based not far from Northampton so go and talk to this eBay seller. He sells all the Viking Direct seconds and returns. I've picked up a load of Bisley 15/10 drawer cabinets for £35 each recently. ... nkw=bisley

You could even buy them, scuff them up a bit and put them back on eBay with the word, "vintage", and sell them for 3 times the price. :shock:
Thanks for that, just what i was looking for and saves building the cabinets to house the drawers, just build the drawer unit into a cabinet....thanks