I'm not sure a model railway transformer would be up to it? Certainly when I tried it at home years ago it didn't work, I tried a cheap car battery charger too but both just kept cutting out.
The one we use at work runs off a heavy duty battery charger with a car battery as a buffer, the wire is nichrome which is easily obtainable, you can buy it in lengths with a loop already formed at each end if you want. To take up the slack as the wire heats and expands you need a spring of some sort, the "terminals" on ours are lengths of piano wire which has enough spring in it to keep the wire taut, each terminal has a groove filed around the tip in which the loop of the nichrome wire sits so it doesn't slip.
Temperature control on ours is simple, a length of wire from an old electric bar fire with a croc clip that can be slid along to adjust the power.