Local Fm transmission


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xy mosian

Established Member
21 Feb 2009
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
Help please.
I know that I can transmit from my iPod to my car radio, using an FM transmitter. I understand that I can also transmit from an audio source in the home to a local FM reciever. Sadly I am getting very confused trying to find equipment that will allow me to recieve a signal in my garden. Are there any experts in the forum, or failing that anyone with any expertise in this area. Looking forward to having the confusion cleared.


But why play music in the garden - what's wrong with the sound of nature? :)

Roger, thanks for the link. I thought I had trawled through AvForums, obviously I didn't ask the correct question.

Rod, there is nothing at all wrong with the sound of nature, just sometimes I would like to mix Kapsberger and Scarlatti with the Kia and Suzuki. Or maybe listen to a play.

Pete (?), I had not considered wireless headphones. I'll look into them. The only ones I have come acroos before were infra-red transmission, and from memory they preferred line-of-sight. Perhaps things have moved on un-noticed by me.

Thanks all for your input, more to think about for me.

I have a set of Phillips wireless headphones that work all over the house and cover at least 2 3rds of the garden (not sure about the full garden as ive never ventured down the bottom end with them on ) , i usually lay out in the bath upstairs while the base is plugged into the pc downstairs in my office so the signal travels through a few walls before it reaches them and they sound very clear :D
I have a pair of Sony wireless, they are RF ones not infra red and have a very good range. They weren't very expensive about £40. The trouble with wireless headphones is unless you spend over £100 and even then you get a bit of hiss. Mine have a hiss if there is no sound, but funnily enough I only wear them when I'm listening to something and in use they are excellent. Very comfy too.

Other options are a wifi radio which run about 70+ and these can steam music from any other PCs etc on your network.

I would stay well clear of the FM transmitters, I had a FM transmitter, before they were legal had to have it imported and it was ok but often interrupted by passing aircraft and it only worked if you could find a station nearby that was completely blank with a bit of a buffer on either side or else you got no a horrible reception.
Mic, Chems, Thanks for the information, it's good to start a search from a known 'good point'.
Chems, I hadn't considered Wi Fi at all, I must as the PC is where most of the music is. The warning about FM transmission? very appropriate, again good to hear from someone with first hand experience.
