Hi -
Rick has a pretty good memory....!
We've been very busy working on a number of longterm projects - the chisels being one of them. The others...well.... not even Alf knows, so I can't really say here. It will be a busy fall... that's for sure!
While we've designed a number of premium planes - we have still to commit to tooling. Since we're a private company, and pretty much self-financing, we can only invest in capital at a certain rate. Most hard core woodworking tools have a long capital recovery time... so the more we make - the fewer we can make (sounds odd, when you read it...) and the longer we have to wait before we can start again. The (not so) recent economic wobblies around the globe have us focussed on many more less capital intensive products ...
Then too - manufacturing is lot more difficult and time consuming then the average person realises. Looking at the chisel project alone (as the costing happens to be up on my screen right now!) - we've spent 632 hours on the bench chisels design alone, and another 923 on steel selection... that's in addition to any pre-prodcution work, tooling, or material (it's all custom run). Such a simple thing, and so much expense.... mind you, we'll sell them (hopefully) for the foreseeable future, and much of the knowledge is transferable to other projects.
All this to say that we haven't forgotten - just managing our resources, paying the rent, and keeping people employed....while we wait for the right moment...
Cheers -