It is important that the height of the axis between the lathe centres is at the height of your elbow when standing naturally upright - it's useful to have somebody else measure this. If you try to do it yourself it is difficult to avoid bending and lowering your elbow.
Because I am tall the bench produced for my lathe was of insufficient height so I decided to make my own. I built two 18" square pillars, from standard concrete blocks, for the ends of the lathe bed to rest on. I topped across this with a board of 1" (or the equivalent in metric!) MDF and then bolted the lathe ends down through the MDF into the concrete pillars. Care when building the pillars to the designed height resulted in the lathe axis being just right. The space between the pillars was used for a useful cupboard, with the cupboard base set about 6" above the floor (for feet space). It has proved excellent, with nil vibration, and cost about 30 quid all-in - compared with £100 for the proprietory stand for my lathe.
But - I can't wheel it about the workshop!