I have just read this thread here my-shop-t55553.html
This is what annoys me living in the UK..........................only around 2% of our land is built on, so there 98% available to buy. If our planning laws were relaxed land prices would go down, therefore our quality of living would rise ie we could live in bigger houses with bigger gardens etc etc for not much more money.
The cost of building a 4 bed house is roughly roughly speaking about 70k, the land to put it on would you cost you about treble that!!
This is what annoys me living in the UK..........................only around 2% of our land is built on, so there 98% available to buy. If our planning laws were relaxed land prices would go down, therefore our quality of living would rise ie we could live in bigger houses with bigger gardens etc etc for not much more money.
The cost of building a 4 bed house is roughly roughly speaking about 70k, the land to put it on would you cost you about treble that!!