Is your name apt??

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Established Member
24 May 2007
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I recently read an article about peoples surnames being appropriate for their trades/hobbies - Frank Bird is a poultry dealer in our neck of the woods! So it got me wondering how many forum members have names that reflect their trades or hobbies.
I'll kick off with a not so suprising fact that my surname is - wait for it - Wood! :D
So 3 of you and prolly more with wood in your name, out off interest does your name denote your ancestors were also carpenters?

Unfortunatly my surname is not sparkle, any ideas why im called Mr Sparkle then???

he he he
John Spark - and your ancestors were in the Gunpowder plot ??? :wink:

My recent ancestors were all builders!
Mr_Sparkle":25dp1sjd said:
So 3 of you and prolly more with wood in your name, out off interest does your name denote your ancestors were also carpenters?

Unfortunatly my surname is not sparkle, any ideas why im called Mr Sparkle then???

he he he

Because you make fireworks :) or because you like the SunSparc.
Cheers Mike
Hey Pecker - my first name is Mark! I used to be called "scratch metal" - origonal eh?? :roll:
I can trace my paternal family tree back to the 17th century when one of my ancestors was charged with the protection of the monastery of Monte Cassino in southern Italy he was a knight, shining armour and all that, which is rather appropriate as my surname( Valente ) translates as Valiant. :)
Only to be sullied by another ancestor who was hanged as a pirate in 1850. :?

Hmm! Not too sure about my name. I do hope it doesn't have any connection to a trade...............Willey!! :oops: The mind boggles?? :lol:
OMG - Dom Valente - Voldmente ???? AND I've seen your photo - dark hair, round glasses ???? :wink: :wink:
NO Mr Valente, I feel indebtited to the world to tell them that YOU are indeed ............................... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
WOW we ARE an interesting bunch!!!!!

Ok Mr Sparkle is what comes from my passport photo its a right cheesy grin, and raised eyebrow kinda pose, LoL I tried to add it as my avitar so you can see what I look like but it wouldnt work for some reason?

It also comes from a simpsons epidode where homer finds his face on dishwasher powder - called mr Sparkle, that makes me laugh that episode.

As for the real me, well Im half polish, no not a new pole, but an old one, my family came cos of the war.

My surname in English means "Flowers" it suits my delicate 6 foot 3 inch built like a horse frame and size 12 feet...... NOT!!! LOL

My mothers side is from good English farming stock.
In our case the name Woodward comes from "Wardens of the woods". Now my fathers side comes from the Nottingham and Doncaster areas, whilst I personally havn't looked too deeply into it, i have been told that our family refers back to the forest around Nottingham.
So in the true spirit of Robin Hood, pass over all your decent tools and I'll make sure they all go to a good home :twisted:

Hey Woody67, nothing wrong with our name old son \:D/ But since I have a feeling I may be 4 years older than you (1963) I off coarse am senior (hammer) :twisted:
