I'd be grateful for some router tuition


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Knot Competent

Established Member
25 Apr 2004
Reaction score
from someone in the Bristol area. Specifically, I need to learn how to rout cross-grain dadoes with a hand-held router, and I'd prefer some one-to-one tuition. I'm becoming more relaxed with my table-mounted router, but would appreciate someone showing me how to do non-table stuff. If anyone experienced can spare me an hour or two, I'd be happy to pay.
Come along to Peter's Open Day. Both Peter and I will be demonstrating router stuff. If there is anything specific you want, let me know in advance and I'll try to prepare something to match.
It's not exactly imminent, but I'm also writing a DVD (well, the equivalent, online) about routing techniques, so you might be interested in that, if it ever comes to fruition!
PS Peter's Open Day is free! :)
(Well, noting is free, but Peter foots the bill rather than the visitors, so you don't have to pay to come along.)
Hi John
If that's all you want to do, I have a jig that does just that. Any width. It's on one of my DVDs (10, I think, but I'd have to check). I say "have", I've not seen it recently, so maybe it went in the theft. But if I can't find it I'll try to upload the clip to my phone so that you get the idea.
See you there