how about this from a one handed turner

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Established Member
19 Nov 2005
Reaction score
Argyll, Scotland
from a scrap piece of red mallee, will probably call it a soushi dish, its 4 inches square by 1 inch in height.

As a few of you know I only have the use of my left hand and arm, the right having been paralysed since a road accident in 1978.
I have been wood turning now for a little over a year, and find it a very addictive hobby.
WOW that is beautiful and the grain is fantastic it looks to be 3D.

I'd swear that is textured somehow, is that normal for that wood...if so I want some, it's gorgeous. You've done the wood proud there =P~

Red Malle burr as with all australian mallee burrs when turned, sanded and polished reveals the intense grain patterns, however once brought indoors with the drying properties of modern central heating it dries out and takes on a texture.

It's a lovely wood to work with as long as you have very sharp tools and dont mind cutting thin air for part of the time when the burr is in it's natural shape, it's a very hard wood, very dusty, some some sort of face mask should be worn, as well as the safety goggles as the bark is liable to fly off.
I have found it best to start of at about 500 rpm, then after the bulk has been removed and the final shaping can start increase the rpm to the max the wood and lathe will take.

Mallee comes in Red, Yellow and Brown as far as I have found in the uk, I will post a picture of a natural edge brown malle bowl once I have taken some photo's

Thanks for your kind comments


Very nice work. :D
I would like to see a close up of that grain. I have never seen anything like that before. :-k

When the wood can tell that kind of 'tale' there is a deliciousness in crafting the eventual form to be functional, but oh so understated ......

(I'm probably confusing more than I'm convincing here! - love the look of the wood, love the clean simplicity of the design - that's what I was trying to say!)

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