Hollow mortice chisels


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5 Oct 2014
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Sunny Glasgow
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Now I've got my mortice machine - black Friday Axminster tools sale(Bargain £240) I need some chisels. Not a lot of good without them.

So what are people recommending ?.

I've convinced members of the family to get me a couple for Christmas, which will be a Japanese pattern 6mm and 10mm from Axminster. But I see on places like Ebay 2nd hand ones like Multico. Or maybe 6mm and 8mm, as those will cover a better range of mortices(18mm/24mm going on the 1/3 formula)
I'll be getting the two from Axminster to get me started, but are there any I should be looking out for ?. Mount size is 3/4"
Might also pick up the Axminster set of 3 at £30, i can use on rough jobs and keep the more expensive ones for better quality work, or do you think that would just be a waste of time/money and I should use those funds for a sharpening kit.
there are only 2 current sources for these I think. one is Japanese and one Taiwanese. multico brand is made in Japan the axminster brand Taiwan. there used to be clico but not any more. I have sold and am selling some multicos on the bay. they are very well made.
they do require sharpening occasionally but the English ones I've got some are to hard to sharpen using the brace and bit thingy.( ie the countersink thingy just skates)
I've got a set of clicos and there ok. decent but not amazing.
i got chisels for my morticer on bangood. They did need a proper sharpening when I got them but have been fine in use but ...

I am saving up for a set of Star-M chisels
there are only 2 current sources for these I think. one is Japanese and one Taiwanese. multico brand is made in Japan the axminster brand Taiwan. there used to be clico but not any more. I have sold and am selling some multicos on the bay. they are very well made.
they do require sharpening occasionally but the English ones I've got some are to hard to sharpen using the brace and bit thingy.( ie the countersink thingy just skates)
I've got a set of clicos and there ok. decent but not amazing.
What's your opinion of the Multico white box range ?. I see I can get them easily enough on ebay, and cheaper than the axminster branded ones. I've heard of multico in other tooling, so iu would think it pretty good kit, obviously theres different ranges, but I'd rather have a middle price bit of tooling that is up to the job than an overpriced one.
There is a full set of English pattern chisels on Marketplace. They are in a nice home made box. Not much money and look to be a good brand like Ridgeway. Double fluke are less likely to wander.
What's considered worthy of the group ?.

Now I've got my mortice machine - black Friday Axminster tools sale(Bargain £240) I need some chisels. Not a lot of good without them.

So what are people recommending ?.

I've convinced members of the family to get me a couple for Christmas, which will be a Japanese pattern 6mm and 10mm from Axminster. But I see on places like Ebay 2nd hand ones like Multico. Or maybe 6mm and 8mm, as those will cover a better range of mortices(18mm/24mm going on the 1/3 formula)
I'll be getting the two from Axminster to get me started, but are there any I should be looking out for ?. Mount size is 3/4"
Might also pick up the Axminster set of 3 at £30, i can use on rough jobs and keep the more expensive ones for better quality work, or do you think that would just be a waste of time/money and I should use those funds for a sharpening kit.
Multico are the gold star class
If you’re going to buy any of the cheaper chisel and augers like the Multico or Axminster ones you may as well go for the cheapest set possible as they’re all made in the same place, the only difference is that some come in a fancier box.

You can bump up the budget and go for a Nakahashi or Armac chisel and auger but those will largely be wasted on a bench top machine.
I have multico and clico, I think the latter are better. There are also Nakahashi from Scosarg and Armacproducts sell 3 or 4 different ranges at various prices. I think you would be better off buying the best you can.
What's considered worthy of the group ?.

Now I've got my mortice machine - black Friday Axminster tools sale(Bargain £240) I need some chisels. Not a lot of good without them.

So what are people recommending ?.

I've convinced members of the family to get me a couple for Christmas, which will be a Japanese pattern 6mm and 10mm from Axminster. But I see on places like Ebay 2nd hand ones like Multico. Or maybe 6mm and 8mm, as those will cover a better range of mortices(18mm/24mm going on the 1/3 formula)
I'll be getting the two from Axminster to get me started, but are there any I should be looking out for ?. Mount size is 3/4"
Might also pick up the Axminster set of 3 at £30, i can use on rough jobs and keep the more expensive ones for better quality work, or do you think that would just be a waste of time/money and I should use those funds for a sharpening kit.
I've got Multico, Clico, Ridgeway and Record I think, across a wide range of sizes.
You do not need a lot of chisels, I expect 3 will cover the vast majority of your needs. I've found I generally use a 3/8 or 10mm the majority of the time as I make 32 mm thick frameworks. For heavier joinery it's a 1/2" and for occasional cabinet work / furniture a 1/4" is perfect. I prefer the Japaneese single wing type as they cut and clear faster.
Buy the best you can afford, but just a few.

Buy the best you can afford, but just a few.
Makes plenty of sense.
So I'll go for 6mm, and 8mm metric, and possibly 1/2" and maybe one larger size after that in imperial.
In industry I dont think we ever changed the bit, pretty much used the same one for everything.

Well taking everything everyone has said I'll likely go , to get things started, a Nakahashi 6mm & 8mm. My price range is £50 each, and it looks like I can get both at about that price apiece.
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Makes plenty of sense.
So I'll go for 6mm, and 8mm metric, and possibly 1/2" and maybe one larger size after that in imperial.
In industry I dont think we ever changed the bit, pretty much used the same one for everything.

Well taking everything everyone has said I'll likely go , to get things started, a Nakahashi 6mm & 8mm. My price range is £50 each, and it looks like I can get both at about that price apiece.
Search Armadillo mortice chisels, I found another NH supplier yesterday that kept the whole range. And make sure yo buy the correct length. My small multico are no good with my larger morticer.
Ever cheap ones can be fine you look after them. I sharpened mine, both the chisels and the augers and mirror polished the chisels, which made a real difference. That's probably a fair bit of the cost of the top of the better ones.
Search Armadillo mortice chisels, I found another NH supplier yesterday that kept the whole range. And make sure yo buy the correct length. My small multico are no good with my larger morticer.
Naw there already too many choices. The Japanese ones seem fine. Same price as the Axminster Japanese pattern ones. At least with the Nakahashi ones i know their origin, not so with the Axminster, which will probably bee fine but got to make a choice one way or the other.