theartfulbodger said:
Is it me, or does American kit just look dangerous?
:shock: :shock:
Newbie here, but I couldn't help but comment.
Respect for all tools with sharp or moving parts, is definitetly in order.
My only significant and hence worst accident was with a belt sander of all things. I've an axminster (something like their AS408, but with a more substantial fence used when the belt is tilted to a full 90 degrees).
I use the belt in preference to the disc - less aggressive, and easier to sand larger items without being drawn to the side. Anywa, I make intricate stuff - like all wooden clocks (plans from a great guy in Hawaii) and I was sanding the end of a small bit of wood, when it flipped up and shot down between the belt and the table. unfortunately, my finger followed. I think about 100ms later, my nail had been filed down to almost the quick, taking a slice of the flesh away that had been under the nail and there was a pretty red line all the way around the sanding belt. Six months before I could type with that finger.