Harrogate Show.


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Established Member
12 Dec 2011
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I know we have a thread for what you have bought but.......

come on then lets see who bought what at the Harrogate show (hammer).

i got:

the 4" digital caliber that I had been meaning to order from Peter Sefton for some months.
a little led light for the toolkits of my lathe
a larger magnetic light for the lathe as a whole. http://www.charnwood.net/shop/product/m ... ght?cid=29 that I had wanted but the postage was expensive from the various stockists
and some bits of timber for turning. rosewood sticks, some tiny bits of ebony that was cheap and I thought would do for decorative dowels, a piece of padaulk because it always looks god when people use it, and some blocks of spalted beech. The timber that I got, I thought was well priced. some seemed very expensive indeed.
oh, and a couple of brass ferrules and some sandpaper.

no photos, sorry.

I could have spent more on some turning tools, but I have the basics that I need- my turning is not limited by the tools that I have.
Classic hand tools had the Hoadley book on timber identification on prominent display, facing me as I came in. It grabbed me by the wallet and refused to let go :) .
Also one small unhandled Ashley Isles spindle gouge.
Traffic going home was hell - 3 hours for what satnav said should have been 70 minutes.