hand made sashes


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Established Member
28 Feb 2008
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I need to replace a sash window but am having some difficulty sourcing the timber (top/bottom rails, glazing bars etc) in East london. Can you recommend a stockist in the area? I'm looking to make the sashes by hand and have looked up the construction of sash windows but am a bit confused as to how best to join the pieces using moulded and rebated timber (adding my own to regular imber is not an option at the mo). This isn't as yet a critical project but one i would like to take on as I feel it could be within my grasp with a bit of trial and error and a bit of guidance.

many thanks


oh, each sash is divided by just one vertical glazing bar
If there is a Travis Perkins near you they keep the standard window mouldings as do Alsford Timber, Champion & Merton though they are all mostly south/southeast.

Mortice and tenons is the way to go.Where the mouldings meet in the corners you can either mitre them using a homemade jig and chisel.Think you can buy these jigs too,or you can scribe them with a bit of care.I scribe them as i think it gives a better finish.

Can't help with a supplier as i live oop north.
Thanks Guys

Jason,I've tried Travis, they have everything online but proving tricky to find anyone with stock. Will try the others though.

Steve, sounds like mortice and tenon with a scribe the way to go. presumably a blind mortice for the glazing bar?
Yes,blind mortice as opposed to a through one.Funny really because i haven't done any for ages and today i got an enquiry from someone wanting new sashes.
Finally got my project off the ground. My top sash is practicxally complete, and apart from a slightly sloppy scribe its not too bad for a first effort. Im beginning the top sash now, however the meeting rail cannot be fixed with a mortice and tenon as its too slight and would be too weak withot horns, so I'm considering a corner bridle, (dovetail?)with a dowel to strengthen it but ams unsure of the dimensions of the join, particularly dove tail, and where to place the cuts. Diections to a deatiled diagram/instructions would be much appreciated.


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