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Established Member
7 Jan 2024
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I am getting seriously sick of these begging letters....
I'm fairly sure they get sent out randomly, I just ignore them now.
That is the right approach, if you feel that you get good info and help from the UKW then become a supporting member but it is not mandatory, this is your call and is not worth getting wound up about. The thing to remember is that it is the members who make for a good forum, those willing to help others and share knowledge and life experiences which can be invaluable.
I am getting seriously sick of these begging letters....

I am getting seriously sick of these regular threads complaining about the begging letters.

When you open your message box, the nature of the message's content is quite obvious from the message header/title. Just delete it and move on.

I do not know if you get junk mail in Spain. If you do, do you open every envelope and unfold every leaflet, read every word, show your wife, write to the local newspaper, wail and knash your teeth and then finally throw in the recycling? I doubt it. The unwanted communication goes straight from letterbox to bin, unread and uncomplained about. If you can do that with paper, how much easier is it to do the same with electronic junk?
Is this not just how things have become, Youtube is drowning in adverts that have a really big impact when viewing content, Tv has regular begging adverts for everything from donkeys to drought, then the gambling adverts that are really just asking you to give your money away with almost zero chance of ever wining and it seems everyone wants your money one way or another. Just ignore and do not let them ruin your day.
Donate or don’t donate it’s not and shouldn’t be an issue . I donate because I gain valuable information on many topics and the amount is quite small in comparison to the knowledge I gain in return . When I visit my local Sainsbury’s to do a shop I walk straight past the hoardes of offers near the entrance and concentrate on what I went in for .. they are a bit like begging letters but I don’t get tempted.strange thing is the reduced items are never near the entrance they are often tucked away. Point is this whole world is geared up to take your money and many of us are conditioned to give it but we don’t have to- it’s our choice . No different to the begging adverts of kids drinking dirty water or with facial disfigurements or elderly with cataracts etc etc it’s a shame , it shouldn’t be like this but it’s not my fault or my responsibility it’s the government of that particular country. If you feel strongly about it then give them your £10 £20 or whatever amount per month and pat yourself on the back for doing your bit but I won’t change anything..
When I visit my local Sainsbury’s to do a shop I walk straight past the hoardes of offers near the entrance and concentrate on what I went in for
Yes another aspect of big brother marketing, shove what you want to shift in peoples faces with a little discount and watch it sell. Often best to walk past and find the item on the shelf in it's normal place unless you wish to consume that day otherwise you are not only buying that item about to curl at the edges but also disposing of it for them as if not consumed quickly it is past eating.

If you feel strongly about it then give them your £10 £20 or whatever amount per month and pat yourself on the back for doing your bit
How much of your donation actually reaches the intended after admin and cost have been taken ! I suspect there is a very wealthy person living in Derbyshire who runs a lucky dip for holidays and all sorts running a form of gambling or what about Omaze dangling that very expensive property you could never afford to run and miles from where you live, they are all begging but you become deaf and blind to them.
Yes another aspect of big brother marketing, shove what you want to shift in peoples faces with a little discount and watch it sell. Often best to walk past and find the item on the shelf in it's normal place unless you wish to consume that day otherwise you are not only buying that item about to curl at the edges but also disposing of it for them as if not consumed quickly it is past eating.

How much of your donation actually reaches the intended after admin and cost have been taken ! I suspect there is a very wealthy person living in Derbyshire who runs a lucky dip for holidays and all sorts running a form of gambling or what about Omaze dangling that very expensive property you could never afford to run and miles from where you live, they are all begging but you become deaf and blind to them.
Absolutely, I’ve always been sceptical of the so called previous winners- and who of a certain age will ever forget those immortal words “ come and have a look at what you could of won” a speedboat when you don’t own a car and live in the middle of Birmingham- priceless..😅😂😅
I have had so much value from this forum.
When I get to a point when I can support, then I will.
I find the messages no more/less annoying than promotional emails.
Supporting membership helps keep us going. If everyone who found value in our community signed up I wouldn't have to send them. I understand some people can't, and that's fine, they are welcome here all the same, but if I'm not trying people tend to ignore the program.

Everyone gets to turn ads off, so those aren't a guarantee. That has to be supplemented. It seems like the lesser of the evil is to ask.

I'm sorry if anyone finds them frustrating. That is not my intention. I do greatly appreciate all our members regardless of their status.
Supporting membership helps keep us going. If everyone who found value in our community signed up I wouldn't have to send them. I understand some people can't, and that's fine, they are welcome here all the same, but if I'm not trying people tend to ignore the program.

Everyone gets to turn ads off, so those aren't a guarantee. That has to be supplemented. It seems like the lesser of the evil is to ask.

I'm sorry if anyone finds them frustrating. That is not my intention. I do greatly appreciate all our members regardless of their status.
but are you a real person or a AI bot?

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