George Foweraker's Workshop

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hi george
i also got my magazine this morning
you have a great workshop there
it is always nice to see other peoples workshops ( especially forum members )
i really like the walnut hollow form and the wall sculpture shown in your gallery
thanks for showing it in the magazine
cheers paul
Just seen it apparently it was in this mornings post.
I never pick the mag up too quickly or i read it all in one go.
I am pleased you like my workshop i try and keep it tidy.There seems to be a lot more room in a tidy space and safer.

Regards George
Great write up George.

Looks really good and thank you for the mention, :oops:
hi george
great to see you in the magazine today. do i recognise the record lathe behind you?
Hi Elaine.
I hope you are well and having fun with your lathe.
Yes it is the lathe i sold you a while back this shows how long ago the pic was taken.
There are now five lathes in my workshop as Mark Sanger and i have been teaching in there.
I hope your mum is well say hello to her for me.

Regards George
Thank you Blister.
Here is a pic of the outside to complete the picture


Regards george
Is it the inspiration for Dr Who's Tardis. There seems so much more room on the inside than you would expect from the outer view.

Who looks after the garden so well!!!
Hi George
I am having fun on my lathe, I have joined the High Peak Turners club which meets nearby. Have really enjoyed it so far, had a hands on night last week and everyone was extremely helpful and very kind passing on their knowledge and experience. You made my mums day and that piece now has pride of place, she wishes you well too.
Wish I lived nearer, as Mark and yourself are so inspiring with the work you put out, that I would love to come and learn from you guys. Keep pushing your boundaries and the veg patch looks great.
I seem to go in fads in reading mags. What's the general consensus on Woodturning?



PS. love the colour of the shed, George. I can tell you are in the West Country what with the palm trees :D
Hi Steve,

Can't help you I am afraid as I have never read the mag, but would also be interested to hear what the concensus on the mag is. Hope you get some replies :lol:

Malc :D

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