"Generic" finish


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Established Member
10 Oct 2008
Reaction score
St. Ives, Cornwall
I have made a few simple things for the shop; mostly boxes and "things" from cheap pine and plywood to keep bits-and-bobs in.

I'd like to finish them with something just to tone down the very blond look (but not too dark) and help preserve them - the room is well ventilated but dampish, oddly(!)

What could I use for a simple, cheap finish?

I looked at boiled (also raw) linseed oil or something called just "finishing oil" also danish oil (darkens the wood?). They are cheap.

yes finishing oil or danish oil would be ok.
I use liquid parafin quite a lot on turned stuff.
Its food safe & gives a clear matt finish

I buy Liquid parafin BP from one of those country stores that sell stuff for horses. Its about £4 for 500ml

Works a treat so long as you are not in a rush over drying times between coats- overnight seems to work.

I've been advised to get similar from IKEA but life is too short to visit that place.
I'm fairly sure the fellas bottling Liquid parafin BP for the horses weren't expecting it to be used for woodwork!!

Good thing to know tho, even if its a long way from the intended use!!
I use linseed oil for finishing all sorts of stuff - normally just the raw linseed that I put on my cricket bat.
Thanks for the tip, next time I'm passing Wilkinsons I'll pick up some danish oil.
Not sure whether you are hooked into an oiled finish. One finish that would tone down the raw timber look and give a warm glow is of course shellac.
Easy to apply and gives a depth no other finish can. Also it's cheaper than danish oil.
If you go along that path then buy flakes and mix your own.

Thanks all.

I've tried linseed oil (adds no colour!) and will now try a danish(!)

Not hooked on oil, I thought it might be cheap and cheerful. The shellac sounds like fun though!