Garden Furniture - George Buchanan

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david simper

Established Member
23 May 2007
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Does anybody have this book? I am having difficulty with the garden bench project and don't want to start cutting before I understand what I'm doing completely. The timber cost a fortune and if it's wasted I shall have to cry - a lot!

I've had a scout around to see if I could e-mail George but have got nowhere. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Dave :)
If you could post a scan / photo of the relevant page, and explain what your problem is, you'd get plenty of responses, from people who don't have the book but have spent a lot of time thinking about woodworking. We love a puzzle!

And a single page extract should be ok on the copyright front.

Yes, I do have the book. I think that it might take someone with the book in front of them to answer the query. It would be two images to get all the information and I will have a go at scanning it (too tired and late at night right now).

One part is the arm rests: two timber sections are specified and it looks like they have to be laminated together to get the dimension necessary; however, no lamination is specified or described, interesting as I think that one would have to rip one of the sections and then glue them either side of a core section to get the dimensions necessary.

Second part: two timber sections are specified separated by a /. I think that this mean that a lighter section is used to make a more decorative than just slats, but nowhere can I find this stated. If my suspicion is right then I have bought a load of timber that I don't need. I will make an oak chest if it is spare.

Thirdly: the side elevation sketch appears to show the side rail mortised into a curved section of rear leg, however, the detail shows the side rail's cheek line as straight. It would obviously be a lot simpler to mortise into a straight section, so I'm hoping that the side elevation is wrong.

Other than that all is perfectly clear.

Dave :)